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My toes are individual points of cold pain at the end of my legs. I’ve even tried sitting on them, but my chair is fairly small and it all involves negotiating the winter belly (grown with simultaneous pride and disgust). Add the straining trouser buttons and jersey riding up the back and its all just too much effort. Which reminds me of living in Austria, where I would drink my coffee black and eat dry cereal rather than put on all those layers just to walk 2 blocks through the snow to buy a box of milk.

Winter is here.

Today started cold and overcast and windy but now the sun is back out, not a cloud in the sky and my autumn coat hangs uselessly on the back of my chair (having been pulled stubbornly from the cupboard for the first time in 3 years). Again, I am reminded of Europe, more specifically the UK, where people can have long conversations revolving entirely around the weather. But seeing as this particular blog is about winter, I don’t see what choice I have.

In summary then, my feet are cold. I don’t miss living in Europe (but would like to be able to afford a visit), the sun is out, and I really should be working.

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