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We was robbed, by the cops!

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A neighbour, a young doctor stationed at one of the government hospitals here, lost laptops and mobile phones to some daring house breakers last month. Naturally, he rushed to the police to make a report. The cops “sprang” into action, and a few days later, they visited the burgled home with the “suspect” but found no one. Another few days later, a friend of mine who knew one of the investigating officers asked him if the good doctor had recovered the stolen stuff. “We did, but the doctor did not,” came the reply. And I imagine it was said with a knowing wink. Turns out the burglars had struck some illegal deal with the cops, and my friend suspects the cops “pocketed” the stolen property! So much for hunting the bad guys. The doctor keeps making endless trips to the police station to check on “progress” and each time they tell him they are still investigating. So much for law enforcement hey?

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