The Q-Spot
It’s good to hear that the issue of sexual diversity has been tackled head on at the World Social Forum that’s been taking place in Nairobi, Kenya. Check out this interesting blog written by Adam Maanit, a Co-Editor at the New Internationalist.
Amidst all the huffing and puffing about what constitutes gay rights, Kasha Jacqueline, a Ugandan human rights activist summed it up succinctly
When Ugandans hear that we are advocating for gay rights they imagine we want more or extra rights, but NO; we want what belongs to us which was robbed from us; EQUAL RIGHTS which we are entitled to just like any other Ugandan.
Wednesday, February 7th 2007 at 10:04 am
What great achievement from the region! I am however dissapointed at the amount of in fighting that followed the WSF. a statement was released against a very strong campaigner of Human rights apparently for affecting a movement in Africa. I damn well suppport Peter Tatchell’s stance on the issue. It is high time africans get their act together and stand up to demand Equality. The Nigerian campaign should have been taken care of by the Nigerians together with the support of all other campaigners and if this does not happen what these campaigners in the diaspora are doing is just filling a gap that these africans should be occupying. I am growing tired of conference activists that hang around for the next opportunity for travel and do not do nothing. The so called instigator of the campaign is enjoying life in rainbow South Africa and is nowhere to be seen on Ugandan Soil. Viva Peter!!! onward with the struggle