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The Agenda of Indigenisation in Zimbabwe

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Given the state of our economy, the current model for Indigenisation cannot help but appear to be another political project that plays on the poverty and disenfranchisement of millions of Zimbabweans but in effect will only benefit a few.

Speaking in an interview with the state media Reserve Bank Governor, Dr Gono says
“It has to be realised that not everybody can fit or benefit from the equity-ownership model we are pursuing. Only a few will and that’s a fact.”

One has to wonder what exactly the agenda is behind the programme. It is no secret that the Minister responsible for the programme is a business man himself, neither is it a secret that our Ministers have used other such programmes to amass vast wealth at the expense of the ordinary Zimbabwean.

There are far too many young people with brilliant ideas who lack the capital to finance their enterprises. There are even more who are frustrated by unemployment and poverty. It is this generation that runs riotously through the streets demanding that foreign owned property and companies be given to Zimbabweans. While for now they might have been persuaded to riot in aid of the Minister of Indigenisation’s cause, it is only a matter of time before they turn on a government that is failing them.

If we are to carry out indigenisation then it must be transparent and it truly must benefit all Zimbabweans.  Indigenisation should not be limited to the expropriation of shares from the few companies that have survived the economic roller coaster of the last decade. Empowerment must be looked at holistically. Rather than simply dividing up an economic cake that is becoming smaller every day, let us consider ways in which we can add to it and create wealth. We cannot continue to brag about Zimbabwe’s vast mineral wealth and human capital without having Zimbabweans at the forefront of exploiting these resources for Zimbabwe’s gain.

One comment to “The Agenda of Indigenisation in Zimbabwe”

  1. Comment by Bruno Peni:

    It is true that the indiginazation program will benefit a few and those who are aiding those who are to benefit will fight their master very soon. In terms of wealthy a few have got rich and the lot are suffering. So most of the people and those who are holding on to jobs that are likely to be on the go soon after indiginazation will be feeding on their masters leftovers. We will be asked to vote to have a small space to have a roof over our heads. Space is becoming so small for those who dont have.

    Zimbabwe is quite big country, there are so many empty and not operating companies why not resustate those first if we are serious with indiginazation. Why go on those that are struggling. Who will be Chief Executive officer when we invade the companies. You will see the end of it and as things are going its a looming disaster.