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Quit complaining, Take responsibility

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Limbikani Makani was chosen to attend the 2012 Young African Leaders Innovation Summit in the US and now he mentors young Zimbabwean technocrats. I attended a Food for Thought Session at the US Embassy Public Affairs section yesterday where Limbikani was speaking. I was blown away by his motivational presentation titled, ‘Quit complaining, Take responsibility’.

Limbikani who is the founder of TechZim, a technology news website in Zimbabwe shared his experiences from the Innovation Summit, the experiences of starting up a website and of being a student at a local college in Zimbabwe. He left a lot of the audience believing that anything is possible. He also shared the stories of winners of the 2012 ZOL Jumpstart Challenge, which he co-founded. These stories show how Zimbabweans have seen where gaps exist and filled them with technology based tools and applications. Limbikani challenged Zimbabweans who seem to be born complaining, believe that everything around them is wrong and that someone has failed them. He put it to Zimbabweans to take responsibility and solve the problems they encounter.

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