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Press release from the Zimbabwean Union of Journalists

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4  April, 2011

ZUJ alarmed by increase in politically motivated violence against journalists by Zanu PF and  MDC T

The Zimbabwe Union of Journalists, ZUJ, would like to express its shock and alarm following the increase in politically motivated attacks against journalists by officials and supporters of the main political parties, Zanu PF and the MDC T in the coalition government.

We are deeply concerned that the spokesperson of the Movement for Democratic Change led by Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, Nelson Chamisa, who is also a government minister, verbally abused  freelance journalist, Comrade Nkosana Dlamini at a Press Conference held at the party’s headquarters, Harvest House recently.

Chamisa accused Comrade Dlamini of ‘bringing  Zanu PF proganda to Harvest House’ after he had asked Prime Minister Tsvangirai a question.

Cde Dlamini has indicated in his letter of complaint that the act amounted to harassment.

The Union is  concerned about the safety of our members when senior party officials appear to incite their supporters against journalists.

A few days after the incident, Cde Xolisani Ncube, a journalist with The Daily News  was assaulted  outside the MDC’s offices and had his camera stolen  by the party’s supporters while on assignment. As a Union we strongly condemn the attacks against journalists and  demand that the MDC T leadership should guarantee the safety of journalists at their press conferences and their forth coming congress.

ZUJ would also like to condemn in very strong terms, the beating up of Cde Priviledge Musvanhiri, a freelance journalist and the theft of his professional equipment by Zanu PF supporters in Harare. Musvanhiri was punched and had his recorder stolen by Zanu PF supporters while Cde Clarkson Mambo of New Ziana was man handled  by the same Zanu PF supporters.

We call on the Zanu PF leadership to warn its supporters to desist from  attacking journalists. Equally, we demand that Zanu PF should guarantee the safety and protection of journalists while on assignment at their functions or anywhere else.

As we approach the referendum and the elections, journalists will become more vulnerable to attacks by politicians and party supporters.

We call on the two main political parties to declare zero tolerance against journalists or any Zimbabwean citizen.

Foster Dongozi – ZUJ Secretary General

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