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Three reasons why a vagina is not like a laptop

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Posted on May 28th, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Activism, Reflections, Women's issues.
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Sarah Ditum writing on the Guardian:

Former Crimewatch presenter Nick Ross seems to think there are parallels between rape and property theft.

“Don’t have nightmares!” Nick Ross used to say, when he hosted Crimewatch, but little did we guess at the Hellraiser-esque horrors haunting our plucky watcher of crime until this weekend. In an extract from his book, Crime, published in the Mail today, Ross reveals that he has been afflicted with a terrible case of visual agnosia which has left him unable to tell the difference between vaginas and laptops.

He writes: “We have come to acknowledge it is foolish to leave laptops on the back seat of a car […] Our forebears might be astonished at how safe women are today given what throughout history would have been regarded as incitement […] Equally they would be baffled that girls are mostly unescorted, stay out late, often get profoundly drunk and sometimes openly kiss, grope or go to bed with one-night stands.”

Obviously, writing a manuscript in a state of perpetual confusion between portable computers and female genitals is a distressing condition – is that a return key or a clitoris? – and Ross is to be applauded for battling through to the end of his wordcount. And so, in a spirit of compassion for the baffled, I would like to offer Ross a brief guide to the ways in which women and their vaginas are not like cars and laptops.

1. Not every car contains a vagina
When you carefully tuck your high-value portable property under the passenger seat (just kidding, smash-and-grabbers! That’s definitely not where my iPad is!), it’s because you don’t want potential thieves to know it’s there. But draping your vagina in a floor-length modesty frock is unlikely to persuade anyone that don’t have one, and therefore might not be worth violating. This is not a quantum mechanics problem. Schrödinger’s fanny is not a thing.

2. A laptop is a portable electronic device, a vagina is a body part
Does it whir? Does it make small clicking sounds? Can it be placed in a briefcase and carried around separately to its owner? That is a laptop. Is it a fibromuscular tubular tract located between a woman’s thighs? Vagina. Taking the former from a car would be an act of theft. Penetrating the latter without the woman’s consent would be a physical assault – and that’s true even if the woman has behaved in a way that makes it obvious that she has a vagina and sometimes uses it for fun! No one says to the victim of a beating: “Well, anyone could see you had teeth. You were just asking to have them broken with all the eating you do.”

3. You can’t insure a vagina
Having your car broken into and your valuables taken sucks. But, understanding that this is a world where some people might be driven to desperate acts for small rewards, you might make a heavy sigh and sweep up the glass (secretly hoping that the drugs your laptop has paid for turn out to be mostly cornflour), and then go and put in your insurance claim. Being raped is – and I know this is going to surprise you, Nick Ross, so prepare yourself – worse than that. There is no insurance that lets you claim back the state of being not-raped. There’s no cloud backup to restore your pre-rape internal data. You’ve been raped, and that is profoundly horrible.

When Ross compares rape to theft, he presents it as a crime of property, not a crime of violence. It’s an idea that belongs to the dark ages when women were permitted to own nothing apart from that abstract quality called “honour”. Now – oh, fortunate modern females! – we are understood to have to rights to all sorts of things, including the right to decide who we do or don’t want in our own orifices. And that’s a right we cannot forfeit. Whatever we’ve drunk, however we’re dressed and whoever we’ve kissed, a vagina is never a laptop.

Go back home? Yea right!

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Posted on May 28th, 2013 by Marko Phiri. Filed in Reflections.
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One of the tragedies that Zimbabweans living in places that have become extremely dangerous – that is assuming they were not dangerous all along – is living with the fear of death, while at the same time not seeing the return to the safety of your own country as a particularly welcome proposition.

It has become the story of poor working class Zimbabweans toiling in South Africa where all this xenophobic nonsense continues despite the staged euphoria of the African Union’s golden jubilee.

No wonder President Sata had unkind words for the dream of a “continental passport!”

Zimbabweans who still dream of returning home, if only they could get jobs, have become the classic example of being caught between a rock and hard place.

I read the other day a news feature which I felt had been repeated for the past 10+ years but (not) surprisingly continues to be reported even today.

It was about a woman deported from South Africa only to return the very same day.

And what she had to go through to make it back to her Johannesburg hovel is mind-blowing.

But there is no new story there, yet the pertinent issue is why this keeps happening, why young people who continue to lose colleagues to xenophobes will tell you they are not about to quit the not-so-bright lights of Jo’burg.

Why, they ask, return to the misery back home?

Yet I know some who have returned to the potholed streets of Bulawayo claiming they want to return to school after witnessing what opportunities education can open for them in South Africa.

It’s sad really, but this is a song that has played for so long it has numbed our sense of shock and shame.

States of Being

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Posted on May 28th, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Inspiration, Reflections.
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Neither nor

Film Zimbabwe

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Posted on May 28th, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Uncategorized.
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International Images Film Festival for Women (IIFF) 2013
Application deadline: 30 June 2013

Film Submissions are now open for the International Images Film Festival for Women (IIFF) 2013. IIFF is the African continent’s fastest growing gender sensitive film festival with 12 prizes in 12 categories, including two prizes in the SIZE category. Accepted are documentaries, feature films and shorts featuring protagonists or men portraying championing gender sensitivity. To promote local Zimbabwean film productions IIFF is calling Zimbabwean filmmakers to participate in the newly introduced Shasha/ Ingcitshi/ Zim Experts (SIZE) category. This is a platform for local filmmakers to tell the Zimbabwean story the Zimbabwean way. Stories that inform, inspire, educate locals and positively impact on their communities. Apply here

NGO job vacancies in Zimbabwe

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Posted on May 28th, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Job vacancies.
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Hey! Need a job? Want to work in the NGO/development sector in Zimbabwe? Check out the job vacancies below and apply today. If you want to receive regular civic and human rights information, together with NGO job vacancies and other opportunities like scholarships by getting our regular email newsletter, please email join [at] kubatana [dot] net

Community Publishing Assistant: Africa Community Publishing and Development Trust (ACPDT)
Deadline: 31 May 2013

-Edit, and develop youth and children’s voices.
-Update ACPD’s website and publish community publishing messages electronically
-Update previous publications.
-Documentary and community based research.
-Co-facilitate with community publishing workshops.
-Edit local publications.
-Preparatory documents, testing and final checking of national publications.
-Assist with the monitoring of readership responses.
-Write proposals and reports for the department and edit organisational documents produced by other departments.
-In-house training

Qualifications and Requirements
-A relevant degree
-Strong research, analytical thinking, writing and editing skills, demonstrated in published work
-Strong human relations and team building skills
-Strong motivation to learn
-New media skills
-At least 5 years relevant experience
-Commitment to social justice, and compatibility with ACPD’s vision, mission, values and principles

To apply
Please send in your applications to The Admin Coordinator: allienp [at] acpdt [dot] org

Fundraising for the welfare of animals

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Posted on May 28th, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Inspiration, Reflections.
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Dog 1

Dog 2

Dog 3

Volunteer or make a donation to the SPCA