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NGO job vacancies in Zimbabwe

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Posted on July 3rd, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Job vacancies, Zimbabwe Blog.
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Hey! Need a job? Want to work in the NGO/development sector in Zimbabwe? Check out the job vacancies below and apply today. If you want to receive regular civic and human rights information, together with NGO job vacancies and other opportunities like scholarships by getting our regular email newsletter, please email join [at] kubatana [dot] net

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: Zimbabwe Aids Prevention Project Department Of Community Medicine University Of Zimbabwe
Deadline: 8 July 2013

Based in Mashonaland Central Province

The Zimbabwe AIDS Prevention Project, a Department of Community Medicine, University of Zimbabwe project has funding to conduct a PMTCT program in Mashonaland Central Province.  The program is aimed at strengthening health facilities as well as increasing ANC uptake through enhancing community level knowledge of PMTCT.  PATH is funding the program through Population Council, South Africa.

The M&E officer will be in charge of all monitoring and evaluation data collection activities, survey work and analytical sessions for the ARISE PMTCT program. The M&E officer should be a team player expected to work closely with MHCW, ZAPP-UZ and Population Council.

Responsibilities and key duties
-Conducting Provincial and district training on M&E for HW and Community Mobilizers
-Review collate and analyze data from sites for accuracy and completeness
-Prepare quarterly progress reports
-Liase with NMRL to ensure EID test and results reach the Laboratory and facilities
-Participate in tools development
-To perform any other M&E tasks as assigned.

Qualifications and attributes
-Minimum degree in statistics, demography or public health
-3 years experience in setting up and implementing M&E activities for HIV/AIDS, RH or MCH
-Knowledge of operational research in HIV and Reproductive health programming
-Highly motivated with strong interpersonal and communication skills
-Proficiency in using the following packages SPSS, STATA and MS ACCESS
-Willingness to travel in the Province

To apply
Please send your application including detailed CV, copies of qualifications to the Zimbabwe AIDS Prevention-University of Zimbabwe, by post, email or hand delivery using the following address:

The Project Coordinator (Arise Project)
92 Prince Edward Street
Milton Park

Or email: hr [at] zappuz [dot] co [dot] zw

Please note that only short listed candidates will be notified.

Human Resources Coordinator: World Education
Deadline: 8 July 2013

Job Category: Mid-Level Management
Department/Group: Finance & Human Resources    
Reports to: Director, Finance & HR
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe     
Position Type: Fixed Term Contract
Grade level: 3    

Purpose of position
Under the supervision of the Director, Finance& HR responsible, for providing human resources services in support of the country program.

Major responsibilities
-Assist in the development, implementation and review of the HR strategy and ensure consistency with overall country program strategy
-Assist in the regular review and roll out of HR policies, employment policies and procedures compliance to WEI standards and the country’s national Labour law requirements
-In collaboration with managers, assist in the development of staffing and recruitment plan ensuring that each team is staffed appropriately according to need and funding availability
-Assist in the design, development and implementation of the overall staff learning and development strategy
-Ensure staff hiring is executed efficiently and in compliance with the WEI’s policy and national Labour law   Ensure that pre-employment requirements are submitted and a personnel file with documentation according to HR checklist is opened for new staff on a timely basis
-Ensure that all new staff have undergone orientation and on-boarding
-Ensures the timely and efficient payroll preparation with accurate data
-Ensures the proper and accurate tracking of leave
-Assist in the periodic salary review and analysis, and review and revision of new salary structure, as appropriate
-Ensure the timely processing of new contract, contract extension, staff transfer, promotions, acting capacity, and other change of status
-Manage processes related to disciplinary actions, staff separation, termination, including liaising with the Ministry of labour
-Respond to employee relations related queries and provide service to all HR related inquiries and requests on a timely manner
-Conduct regular assessment for all field offices; assess the filing systems/HR documentation in each field site and undertake immediate corrective measures

Qualifications and education requirements
-A degree in Human Resources or a related field is required
-Post graduate qualification in HR or administration
-A minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in a similar position required
-Experience with USAID funded programs is preferred
-Demonstrated people management experience an added advantage
-Knowledge of local labor laws
-Fluency in English, Shona and Ndebele

To apply
Interested applicants should apply to: recruitment [at] worlded [dot] co [dot] zw submitting a motivational letter and current CV.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Corvus albus

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Posted on July 3rd, 2013 by John Eppel. Filed in Reflections, Uncategorized, Zimbabwe Blog.
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Who’s that knocking on my door?
It’s not those War Vets any more -
It sounds like a hammer with a nasty claw?

Who’s that clumping on my roof?
Not the Chef with a cloven hoof -
It sounds like a liar with substantial proof.

Who’s that banging at my gate?
It’s not Big Daddy designate -
It sounds like a braai fork on an old tin plate.

Who’s that beating my dustbin lid?
It’s not the ego, not the id -
It sounds like a stick against an iron grid.

Who’s that singing sweet and low?
It’s not Dear Uncle on the go -
It sounds – my God – it sounds like a crow!

Political change must be real, or protests will happen

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Posted on July 3rd, 2013 by Lenard Kamwendo. Filed in Activism, Governance, Uncategorized, Zimbabwe Blog.
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When people in Egypt kicked out Mubarak they hoped the Muslim Brotherhood was the change they needed. The word ‘change’ fueled the protests and the revolution was won. The same happened in Tunisia – Ben Ali was chucked out because change was needed. One year later the Muslim Brothers in Egypt are faced with a 48-hour decree to meet people’s demands, or resign. Defiantly, President Morsi is claiming he was democratically elected so he will serve until the end of his term. This might correct according to the constitution of Egypt but if the people no longer want him, why would Mr Morsi hang on to power. The military is playing hero and has issued a decree for President Morsi to meet the people’s demands or be frog marched out of the presidential palace. Egypt expected change in the year that Morsi has been in office but his government has failed the test. In order to safe guard the revolution from being stolen by the Muslim brothers in broad daylight, Egyptians are back in Tahrir Square for a second revolution.

Let our forces combine (NOT!)

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Posted on July 3rd, 2013 by Marko Phiri. Filed in Elections 2008, Elections 2013, Governance, Zimbabwe Blog, Zimbabwe News.
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I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read that Dumiso Dabengwa, a man who I, along many others, respect a lot, said he had invited Welshman Ncube to lead Zapu!

Zapu of course being a project that has not hidden that its existence is informed by politics of the marginalization of Matebeleland by Zanu PF since independence in 1980.

It is one of those outfits which while having legitimate concerns about how Matebeleland has been treated by Zanu PF bigoted hegemony in the past 33 years, it has failed to sell this dream of self-determination to likewise embittered Mthwakazians.

The massive inroads Welshman Ncube’s MDC has made in the region and indeed across the country is just but testimony that regional parties still have a long way to go as far as stirring national loyalties are concerned.

And that’s exactly why Ncube has vehemently dismissed all claims that his is a regional party (he was referred by Mr. Prime Minister rather unflatteringly as a “village politician”) and will not contest for any lesser position other than President of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

So when Dabengwa is quoted as inviting Ncube to join forces with Zapu it raises questions about how politicians seek to participate and sneak into national politics and what constituencies they purport represent.

It has become an increasingly manifest trait that while being aware of their waning political fortunes, or indeed their irrelevance to national discourse, some have seen it fit to ride on the backs of what are seen as popular political movements, and a guy like Simba Makoni quickly comes to mind.

He was himself endorsed by Zapu during the 2008 elections, but their relationship is not being mentioned this year, and the two, Mavambo and Zapu, are instead aligning themselves to parties that have established themselves as formidable challengers to the two-party politics Zimbabwe has come to know.

It is curious then how these parties seek to participate in moving the country forward especially at this juncture where everyone is seeing this as yet another opportunity to end Zanu PF presence on Zimbabwe’s political landscape.

Reform traditional leadership urgently

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Posted on July 3rd, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Elections 2013, Governance, Zimbabwe Blog, Zimbabwe News.
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A contribution from a Kubatana member:

Reform traditional leadership. I think one of the key reforms necessary for a sustainable election in our country is traditional leadership reform. Most rural districts in the country are not free to exercise their rights due to the influence of traditional leaders. They execute their duties partisanly & are in political party structures which is unconstitutional.This raises suspicion from people of credibility of elections. The government & civic groups must engage traditional leaders & massively educate them about their role in the community & avoid being horse ridden by political parties.

Recipe for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe

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Posted on July 3rd, 2013 by Bev Clark. Filed in Elections 2008, Elections 2013, Governance, Zimbabwe Blog, Zimbabwe News.
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Check out a recipe for free and fair elections published on Kalabash – from the streets to the web. Ingredients include:

4 tablespoons of dignity
A pinch of pride in Zimbabwe and the people outside of party politics
Half a cup of democratic processes
A splashing of reflection on the last decade
An ounce of foresight