Zimbabweans’ opinions on 31 July election date
Posted on July 5th, 2013 by Amanda Atwood. Filed in Elections 2013, Governance, Zimbabwe Blog, Zimbabwe News.Comments Off
When the 31 July election date was first announced, the majority of our SMS subscriber expressed their shock and disbelief, and believed that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was right to state that this date was illegal and unconstitutional.
As a follow up, we let these subscribers know about yesterday’s Constitutional Court decision keeping the Harmonised Election date at 31 July. They were largely unimpressed with the Court’s lack of independence, and concerned about the way this move has undermined the election’s legitimacy before it’s even been held.
In their own words:
- That’s undemocratic for the court to make such a cruel decision
- There must be some hidden agenda from those who are dictating the election dates
- But why, but who, but which, but what. Are we back to 2000?
- It shows how unconstitutional this constitutional court is, its a matter to be decided by three parties in govnt as SADC said.
- Very sad only God knows
- Zimbabweans should decide on that date whom they wanted to be the President
- This is part of a rigging strategy as many people are still to get registered and necessary reforms are yet to be implemented.
- Let Mugabe run his usual solitary race!
- Sadc should help us this time zanu pf wants to rig elections free and fair elections Tsvangirai will win a landslide victory
- Kubatana! If elect day has been declared then election campaign material should b brought to the ground 4 da campaign teams
- We’re headed for the ugliest electoral fraud in recorded history, mark my words.
- This is ridiculous. How come Zim lets bob get away with everything? Enough.
- Says who? With no free broadcasting, the same old gang playing the same old tricks in ZEC, ZNA, CIO & ZRP/BSAP, no money & violence increasing daily even within ZANU? It’s time to call their bluff