Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Love, care and empathy

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A subscriber, Livingston, recently wrote to us with some useful reminders for next Friday’s election:

I would like to remind Zimbabweans that this election is not about how many people Mugabe is going to kill, butcher, murder, rape, torch for him to win or how many rallies Mugabe is going to hold for him to win or how many posters Mugabe is going to put up for him to win or how big Mugabe’s posters are for him to win. This election is about the stomach. This election is about food. This election is about the future of our children. This election is about our education. This election is about our health delivering system. This election is about our freedom of expression, association as well as worship. This election is about a government of the people by the people. This election is about our dignity. This election is not about how many hate stories or speeches ZTV, Herald, Sunday Mail, Kwayedza, The Voice, The Chronicle, Manica Post are going to publish for Mugabe to win. This election is about getting rid of brutality, maiming, hate. This election is about Zimbabwe. This election is about getting rid of Mugabe. Yes getting rid of Mugabe. Together on 27 June let’s vote the Tyrant Mugabe out of office. This election is not about the past. This election is about the future. People of Zimbabwe let’s unite against brutality, murder, torture, and rape. Let’s unite against poverty. Let’s unite against hunger. Let’s unite against power cuts. Let’s unite against Chatunga and free ourselves. Together with Love, Care and Sympathy we shall conquer.

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