Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Hunter hunted

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My culture, and my religion have taught me to act in a certain way. Especially when it comes to “izinto zothando, nyaya dzerudo” (matters of the heart). Don’t you ever show him you like him just play easy? But don’t we also say what he don’t know wont hurt him? I say what he don’t know will leave me the laughing stock of my peers. Others are married and me still waiting for a miracle that someday he is going to say something. Ha! I have taken it upon myself to embark on the mission I call, hunter hunted. Instead of me sitting about waiting for some guy I think is cute and listening to my mum who has her husband, saying my child it is not the woman’s place to initiate courtship, I will just do what a girl has gotta do. It’s not everyday you meet an American guy who is a potential immigration ticket or the 99cent shop. Since he has left for the U.S.A what is the worst that could happen if I hinted that he left a spark in me. Besides what my mother don’t know will save me from a lecture. Like all internet exposed persons I am just going to take advantage of the many, many, many internet services that are going to make it possible for me to put phase one of the plan into motion. So I send a friendship request from Facebook and boom within minutes request confirmed! God bless the Facebook inventors. And what do you know; he still remembers me, and yes, we get talking. The rest is history.

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