Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists


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I was told that the restaurant was African traditional, and that it was somewhere behind the GMB in Eastlea. I finally found it after asking three different people for directions. Sister Mildred’s is tucked away in a house with no sign. My lunch there on Wednesday was one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. It reminded me that life is more interesting off the beaten track.

Independence Day. Out walking I noticed lots of pods – what we call police details or roadblocks – lolling about waiting for some tin god in high office to come whizzing through. As we approached the Chisipite traffic circle a multiple car wedding party hooted and honked its way around it several times. Nearby two ZRP police officials stood watching. Imagine Mugabe’s motorcade meeting an Independence Day wedding party? That would have been amusing.

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