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Hand back the benzes

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And, now that they are in, the likes of Biti have a vested interest in the unity government’s success. That may not be a bad thing in itself. But they should be very wary of the old fox Mugabe. It was always believed his strategy would be to suck in the MDC and use its foreign credibility to revive the economy (and lift the travel bans on the president and his mates) while he and Zanu PF maintained control. Meanwhile, the MDC would be contaminated by association with Zanu PF. We have seen nothing to contradict that understanding of Mugabe’s game plan. Already we are seeing poor Tsvangirai trying to explain away the new farm invasions. Unless the MDC can get the rule of law restored very soon, it should pull out of this government. And even before then, it should hand back those Mercedes-Benzes, the very symbols of co-option. - Comment from the Cape Times SA, 6th April

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