Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

World Postal Day

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Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 by Elizabeth Nyamuda

9 October marks the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union established in 1874. Today many years down the line the use of post has dwindled due to the advancement of technology. I remember when I was growing up I would check the ‘letterbox’ each time I walked past the gate. Sometimes I would go to gate solely to check the letterbox. Now I click buttons to check my Gmail mailbox.

Walking into a local post office in Harare you will discover that they have now ventured into offering other services like Ecocash, selling motor insurance and selling CDs. They have taken the stance of being ‘bambazonke’ in their quest for business survival. Who can blame them in Zimbabwe where many businesses have expanded their services to survive? Word on the street has it Chicken Inn will be selling sadza soon.

Despite the challenges being faced by post offices in Zimbabwe, it is important to recognise their efforts in delivering mail. Over the years Kubatana has been sending postal products to its membership. Most recently Kubatana sent out postcards through the postal service and one enthusiastic subscriber had this to say when they asked to get some postcards: “I cant wait to get the postcards so I can send a love letter to my mum and sweetheart. Technology has killed letter writing and the anxiety of waiting for the postman to deliver that special letter…”

Despite Internet uptake being high in Zimbabwe there still exists that group of people who do not have access to the Internet. By sending postal products to its membership Kubatana has been able to reach some of its remotest members in Sadza, Mbalabala, Mudzi, Watsomba, Mbire, Chibuwe to mention a few who do not have access to the Internet.

Thus joining the world as it commemorates World Postal Day is of paramount importance to Kubatana. Thank you Mr Postman for that anticipation of waiting for a letter in the letterbox by delivering our products using your services!

Leadership in Zimbabwe out of touch with needs of the people

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Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 by Fungayi Mukosera

If a leader is for the people, we all know that he is from among us, understands us, does things with us and works for us. In other words a leader for the people is a total package. The reason why the power hungry cheat in votes to choose a people’s representative is because they know that they do not have the qualities to be the average person in that category so they use other vile means to attain or retain power.

People are not dogs, they know that they want someone who is in touch with their day to day lives and not a sympathiser who comes at his convenience to give handouts and put a leash on us to drag us along once in a while. Everyone knows that a social contract is never of gangsters delivering communion in churches because he owns the wine cellar but a man of collar because he is the average man from us and ordained to lead the flock.

Power and control in a normal free world are vested to a representative of the whole pack with just an added knowledge of solving the issues that affect us. A shepherd dog should never be confused with a sheep leader; its job is to drag the sheep to and from their pen. It understands where the sheep need to be so it gives directions but does not understand the needs of the sheep. The political leadership in Zimbabwe today abuse and deny us of our natural rights because they are out of touch of the needs of the average citizen of the country.

Welcome to Chitungwiza: have some sewage

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Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 by Lenard Kamwendo

Sewage 1

Sewage 2

Table for 2

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Monday, October 7th, 2013 by Bev Clark



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Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 by Bev Clark


Show-offs and dunces

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Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 by Marko Phiri

“More begets the urge towards even more. At least Hollywood stars affect learning by having mansions filled with bookshelves and art. The palaces and mansions of Borrowdale Brook are all marble staircases and obviously homes to show-offs and dunces. All this in the name of a liberation ideology, so that self-conceit blends with self-deceit – as the ideologues liberate the economy for themselves.” Stephen Chan, Conversations with Morgan Tsvangirai (2010)