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Archive for the 'Media' Category

What’s happening? Text messages keep on coming in

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Saturday, March 16th, 2013 by Bev Clark

Feedback coming in from Zimbabweans texting us about their experience of voting in the constitutional referendum:

The referendum is well organized and the ZEC staff is handling citizens in a professional manner. I’m in Ruwa.

I visited 5 polling stations here in Chinhoyi  and people were voting peacefully but the isue was they did not  get full update on the draft. Also young people need to be educated that they should go for vote turn out.

I voted early in the morning but after putting an x I was supposed to fold and showed it to the presiding officers  and I am not sure whether they have saw what I have voted for or not. I am saying so becoz papers are transparent. Thank you.

I won’t vote coz I never saw the so called constitution.

I’m in the Byo CBD. Moving around have seen short Q’s. Voter Apathy.

In Bikita East Ward 15 people are going to vote yes as per their parties instructions. Most say they want next election.

In Chiredzi a lot of people are not voting they said they don’t know what is in this referendum. Only a few people have acess to the media & read the leaflets wich were distributed. They don’t know what 2 vote 4. They don’t give people enough time & information.

In Nyanga the turn up is generally poor citing reasons that the populace lack knowledge on what they are voting for.

It is 12:05 my wife and I have just voted at Zhakata, Area 3, Dangamvura, Mutare, but I saw no other voters leaving nor coming to vote.

It seems Voter Educators did not do their jobs adequately, most of the people I have talked to did not even read the constitution. And most kids above 16 with ID are not aware that they are supposed to vote. Polling stations aren’t exactly overflowing here in Seke but people are steadily coming.

Citizens help build a national picture of the referendum

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Saturday, March 16th, 2013 by Bev Clark

Kubatana is receiving feedback via Twitter, text messages and emails from Zimbabwean citizens:

The afternoon environment at Sadza council hall polling station (Command Centre) is calm&peaceful.The turnout is pleasing&has improved from that of the morning.I have managed to contact all the ERC ward coordinators to assess the atmosphere in their wards & all of them confirmed that there is peace in the polling centres & the turnout is high. Of concern is the presence of central intelligence operatives who are patrolling with cars with no number plates at Sadza Growth Point.Their cars are at times seen parked at the command centre.

I am in Braeside. I voted at Nettleton Junior School. I was in and out under five minutes. The atmosphere was so comforting and peaceful.

I went to vote at around 11am. Once more before going I ran through some pages of the draft constitution just to be sure. When I reached the polling station there were five people ahead of me, as I produced my ID and proceeded to get my paper to vote I felt really important. Everyone was excited. One old man had walked past the gate after voting when he realised that he was leaving his vehicle and quickly ran back to get into the vehicle. Such was the atmosphere where I voted.

I am eager to see whether the number of assisted voters in the referendum will be anything close to those who will be assisted in the election. I also live to see if the same peace will prevail when we cast our next vote. I also wish to find out if Headmen were on the fore, ticking names of those who voted in today’s ballot. Lastly, I wish to find out whether those who voted NO in this election will be sniffed out. Please help in establishing these facts.

Citizens text constitutional referendum experience

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Saturday, March 16th, 2013 by Bev Clark

Kubatana subscribers send in Zimbabwe Referendum feedback via SMS:

At Chinembiri Primary Chitungwiza. No queue, its a walk in and vote sphere. Manned by smiling ZRP members.

At Greystone Park officials outnumber the potential voters.Here everything is good but the problem is that we did not get anyone to teach us about the Constitution and we did not get any book to read. People are voting due to their party leaders who have said its good.

Home and not going any where.

I am at Maware Primary in Chikomba East very few people have cast their votes voter apathy seem to be the order of the day.

I am at Nyamazira, 70 km from Headlands. It is Manicaland province. A few people has come to vote because the COPAC outreach team did not come to our area and no one ever saw the finalised referendum we are supposed to vote for. Its guess work.

Sistaz celebrate IWD

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Friday, March 8th, 2013 by Bev Clark

IWD book cafe

Broadcasting or Publication of False or Misleading Information

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 by Amanda Atwood

Broadcasting or publication of false or misleading information related to Zimbabwe’s Draft Constitution and the associated Referendum to be held 16 March can incur a steep penalty, according to Veritas’ Constitution Watch 13/2013:

Broadcasting or Publication of False or Misleading Information

If it comes to the attention of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) that any broadcaster (including the public broadcaster ZBC) or print publisher (newspaper or magazine) that any YES or NO campaigner is publishing information on the Referendum question (YES/NO to the draft constitution) that ZEC thinks is either:
-    materially false or incorrect; or
-    likely to prevent a substantial number of voters from making an informed choice in the Referendum

ZEC may by written notice order the broadcaster or published concerned to cease publishing the information or alter the information to make it accurate and fair, or to retract or correct the information in a way directed by ZEC in its notice.  Failure to comply immediately is an offence attracting a fine of up to $300 or one year’s imprisonment.  (New Referendums Regulations, SI 26/2013, section 12)

Given the power the media can play in influencing opinion and action, certainly legislation that penalises the publication of “Constitution Falsehoods” makes a lot of sense. However, in a context like Zimbabwe’s, the potential for this legislation to be misused, or applied selectively – and prejudicially – is high. With public meetings by the Media Centre, the NCA, and even the MDC to discuss the Constitution being banned by police, there is a risk that legislation like this will move broadcasters and publishers into the role of censors, deliberately withholding information which they fear might incur a penalty from ZEC.

Sistaz celebrate International Women’s Day at the Book Cafe

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 by Bev Clark

Uzanele at IWD 2012-1

Pictured above: uZanele at IWD 2012

Sistaz of the Open Mic celebrate International Women’s Day
Saturday 9 March 2013, Book Cafe, Harare

On Saturday 9 March, the lively SISTAZ OPEN MIC programme at the Book Cafe celebrates International Women’s Day from 3pm, with a vivid line-up of women artists ready to step out and express themselves freely in celebration of women everywhere.

The line-up includes mbira princess Hope Masike, recently returned from a quick trip to Europe; popular singer-songwriters Rute Mbangwa and Clare Nyakujara, guitarist Rudo Chasi, Zimbabwe-rocker Kessia Magosha recently returned from a Rock music programme in Johannesburg; the afrocentric M’Afriq featuring lead singer and front-lady Pauline Gundidza, and a special performance of ‘3 Generations’: afrojazz-istas Dudu Manhenga, the strongly up&coming ‘uZanele’ and Clare Nyakujara.  The spoken word will be carried by poets Roxy ‘Xapa’ Mathazia, Batsirai Chigama, Charity Hutete, and RuTendo DeNise, with Wadzanai Chiuriri as MC.

The Sistaz Open Mic ‘after-party’ continues from 5.30pm with the lady of love songs Plaxedes Wenyika and her backing band, until 7pm, featuring songs from her albums ‘Tisa Paradzane’, ‘Kamumhanzi’, ‘Sentiments’ ‘Full Circle’ and her very latest single ‘Kuva Newe’ (Being with you), hot from the studio and expected on the airwaves next week.

The Women’s Day commemoration by Pamberi Trust is supported in part by the Embassy of Canada for the second year running, giving vital support to initiatives for freedom of expression by women artists and gender advancement in general.

Other events to mark the week at Book Cafe include a free screening presented by Women Filmmakers of Zimbabwe on Wednesday 6 March of the film ‘CUT’ – a confrontation with the brutal practice of female genital mutilation; a delightful evening performance on Thursday 7 March by three of Zimbabwe’s popular women artists entitled ‘3Generations: Dudu, Uzanele and Clare’, and a networking session for women artists and organisations before the Sistaz Open Mic.

International Women’s Day around the world
The 2013 Theme for celebrations around the world is ‘The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum.  Each year International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 around the world, by individuals and organisations, governments, charities, educational institutions, women’s groups, corporations and the media.  Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women each year, and to draw attention to global and local gender issues.

Over time and distance, the equal rights of women have progressed.  In Zimbabwe, there is much to be celebrated, and the Sistaz Open Mic on Saturday 9 March will honour some of the women in the Arts in Zimbabwe, who have

Sistaz Open Mic falls under the gender project FLAME (Female Literary Arts & Music Enterprise) of Harare-based arts development organisation Pamberi Trust, which has worked with hundreds of women artists over the years and commemorated the 16 Days of activism every year since 2007, with women artists speaking out loud and proud in protest against violence in our society.

The Book Cafe celebrations this March follow on from a powerful programme in November-December 2012 with 16 events staged around the global campaign ’16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women’, which featured film, discussion, workshops and music and poetry performances, graced by US hiphop artist Akua Naru and over 80 women artists of Zimbabwe.

As always, Sistaz Open Mic promises to be a lively and highly entertaining affair, with a strong sense of purpose – it’s a time for women of Harare to come out to meet, learn more, and celebrate themselves against a backdrop of great music and poetry from sisters in the Arts.

Other aspects of the gender programme are supported by Hivos, the European Union and other partners.

- Press Release from the Book Cafe