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Archive for the 'Media' Category

The right to protest

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Friday, May 24th, 2013 by Marko Phiri

It is always interesting, well, for me at least, that many leaders, African or otherwise, while apparently extolled elsewhere, are often “unwanted” and face harsh criticism in their own countries.

And this has nothing to do with the hiding-being-religion motif of a prophet being unwelcome among his own people. Far from it.

I have been thinking about this in the past few days that when our President was heaping praises on Zambian President Michael Sata for literally feeding Zimbabwe with 150,000 tonnes of maize, university students in Lusaka were protesting, taking to the streets demanding that their “crazy president” resign.

The students were protesting against something that resonates with Zimbabwe’s tertiary education students who however would never dare bum rush the streets in the manner seen in Lusaka.

That was not the end of it.

Jobless youths reportedly joined in the protests demanding jobs, and a comment attributed to one youth summed up the mood: “Let them come and arrest all the young people for speaking out on the wrongs that are beng done by the government. This is a government that has lost popularity so early and we cannot wait to vote them out. They don’t want to listen to people who voted for them and since they have closed their ears, we can take to the streets because that is the language they want to understand.”

One of the accusations leveled against President Sata was that he had become “arrogant and insensitive to the plight of the people.”

And we await here the day when students can get on their soapboxes and speak their minds about their wretched circumstances.

Yet because student activists will tell you there are spooks who sit through lectures pretending to be students, this has crippled any militancy you would expect from an impoverished aspiring academic.

But we read that President Sata’s response was typical of an African leader who is antithetical to the right to protest: LOCK THEM UP, he is alleged to have instructed cops.

That was not the end of the crackdown. Police have in past few days also locked up Zambia’s own protest poets for music critical to Sata.

The offending lyricist when translated went something like: “You were lying ‘Tata’ (old man). You promised cheap fuel; you said you will construct roads but you were lying as people are still sleeping in tunnels.”

We are in good company hey? Thanks for the maize.

Sharing stories enriches lives

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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 by Elizabeth Nyamuda

Day 1, Saturday 11 May
Checked in at 9:30 and had to wait for two hours for the bus to come. We left after midnight and the highlight of the trip was when one of the guys in our group had a clash with the co-host. He was angry because of the delay and a bit drunk and they exchanged words. With him being a student activist and a former SRC president at MSU we were treated to words, which later became a hit on our trip. He would say: ‘foolish fool’, ‘deodorized bullshit’ and a whole lot of other words that are now synonymous with him!

Day 2, Sunday 12 May
We arrived just before noon and had a formal meeting to facilitate introductions. Met Louis and Brian, the trainers. It was a free day so we went out shopping. Six volunteers were asked to stay at a different location from the rest of the team because the lodge was full. I volunteered with the lady sitting next to me because no one was any showing interest in doing so. We were some lucky bastards as we got to stay in a hotel – not that fancy but far much better than the lodge! In the evening we were told a call came through from the lodge saying the training was starting at 7am instead of 9am!

Day 3, Monday 13 May
First day of the training, woke up early for 7am but little did we know it was a prank! Failed to find the culprit. We were given really great phones for our work towards the end of the day after we had grasped a lot of what Mobile Community Zimbabwe (MCZ) was. So MCZ is a community of citizen journalists who report on the stories not covered widely or at all in the mainstream media.

Day 4, Tuesday 14 May
The lessons and group exercises just made me miss my school days.  Did our first video assignment around the lodge. Interesting stories came up and we had a great laugh. We had a big discussion on media law and ethics. Most of the participants were wondering whether we were supposed to get accreditation like journalists. The local trainers explained to us that if we get accreditation then we lose the whole idea of citizen journalism. Also they reminded us they do not expect to get from us the hard-core news stories we read in the press everyday.

Day 5, Wednesday 15 May
Had a class assignment to work in groups of two. We went to ZAMCOM the largest school of journalism in Zambia. Made video stories there too. Did more outdoor playing around with the garden set up at the college and interacting with the students! After class, we all went out for drinks.

Day 6, Thursday 16 May
We were divided into three groups and we visited three different community radio stations. I joined the group that went to Radio Christian Voice; a Christian based community radio station.

Day 7, Friday 17 May
We went to the market where Zimbabweans sell various goods. Used Storymaker to do interviews. It was a lot like a market place in Zimbabwe because everyone around that area could speak Shona or Ndebele, though most were born in Zambia. Went for a mini bus tour around Lusaka on our way back to the lodge. We were given the afternoon off so we took a long walk to a local market place. In the evening we watched the videos we had made in the morning. Said our goodbyes.

Day 8, Saturday 18 May
On this day Intercape really insulted us! We got up early preparing for the journey, checking in time was 9:30am. When we got there we were told the bus was going to leave at 1pm. We left after 2pm but fortunately we managed to get by the border before they closed. Arrived in Harare just before midnight.

Harare to Costa Rica, and everything in between

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Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 by Marko Phiri

30 April 2013

Harare International Airport

I was given a jolt at the check-in around 1500hrs when some dude said “nah mate we cannot let you through you gotta have a visa.” A flurry of emails between the WPFD organisers, and I’m back by the Internet cafe and the guy comes to me and says, “We have found a way to get around the visa thing. Since you are travelling through Germany you won’t be leaving the airport so, abracadabra, you can travel!”I be like, “Dude, that’s what I was telling you all the time!”

I am sitting at the Harare International departure lounge watching some TV and I’m like what the fuck, shouldn’t we be watching DSTV! But then I soon realize it would be deemed treasonous showing such content at a “strategic national treasure!” Somewhere in the distance I can hear “last night a dj saved my life” blasting from the radio and I be like wow, that gotta be some coincidence. I move to another end where I order a pint of lager and I sit in front of a screen showing BBC news.

Arrived in Zambia shortly after 1900hrs but departure was delayed due to some technical fault in the checking system, the pilot explained. Finally left at 2040 PM for Dubai. Bloody long, 5,793km to be exact … check out the entire diary here

Gender justice in Africa

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Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 by Bev Clark

Padare Discussion: Beyond organized hypocrisy – practical ways of working with men and boys to achieve gender justice in Africa

When: Wednesday 22 May 2013 from 530 – 7pm
Where: Book Café, 139 S.Machel Avenue / 6th Street, Harare

Tapiwa Manyati, Sonke Gender Justice South Africa
Fredrick Nyagah, MENKEN, Kenya
Catherine Githae, MENKEN, Kenya
Hubert Lubambo Mashiriki, COMEN
Josephat Mutale, Zambia led prevention initiative

Moderator – Virginia Muwanigwa
Discussant – Professor Ezra Chitando

The Wednesday 22 May discussion is presented in partnership with Harare arts and development organisation Pamberi Trust. Pamberi Trust and Padare have enjoyed a long relationship working together in nation building over the years, and maintaining a high profile for ‘the gender agenda’.

The discussion is free, and all people are welcome.

A Platform for Female Photographers

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Monday, May 20th, 2013 by Emily Morris

Em one

Last Friday I went to have a look at the Zimbabwe Association of Female Photographers (ZAPF) exhibition. It is an amazing illustration of talent, as well as being a great cause for female empowerment. It expresses women’s abilities and has given a chance for female photojournalists in Zimbabwe to demonstrate their talents in an exceptional display.

The exhibit has a wide variety of photography, from landscape to portrait and nature. The exhibit is well displayed and each piece carefully explained. I would highly recommend anyone with an interest in art to have a look.

Many of the pieces carry strong messages, from political to social. A particularly captivating piece was the exhibit “Pimp My Kombi” by Nancy Mteki. This exhibit explores “the notion of public transport as a social environment, marked by gendered power relations in which the woman remains objectified”, as described in the caption.

Another particularly prominent piece was “The Referendum Grid”, a collaboration of the work of Angela Jimu, Davina Jogi, Cynthia Matonhodze and Annie Mpalume. This politically striking series shows various images taken during the referendum, displaying a variety of emotions and attitudes. The different images contrast each other making it holistic and captivating.

I would advise anyone with an interest in art, or with a bit of time to spare to go and have a look at the exhibition at 15 Princess Drive, Newlands. It is open until the 24th May from 1pm to 2pm during the week and 10am to 1pm on Saturdays and is a couple of hours well spent!

Media and politics in Zimbabwe public discussion

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Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 by Amanda Atwood

Check out this public discussion from SAPES Trust:

Media and politics in Zimbabwe public discussion

Southern African Political Economy Series Policy Dialogue Forum

Topic: The media and politics in Zimbabwe: An overview
Date: Thursday 16 May 2013
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Venue: SAPES Seminar Room, 4 Deary Avenue, Belgravia, Harare

Presenter: Trevor Ncube, Chairman of Alpha Media Holdings (AMH)
Chair: Dr I. Mandaza, Executive Chairperson, Sapes Trust

All welcome!

Cost: $10 for non-members. SAPES TRUST Policy Dialogue Forum Membership forms available at entrance.

Feel free to visit our website at www.sapes.org.zw