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Archive for the 'Elections 2008' Category

The affairs of men and nations

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Wednesday, April 16th, 2008 by James Hall

The egos of men are a dangerous thing. From the playground at kindergarten right through to affairs of state, a man’s ego can have a lasting influence, benevolent or damaging, that goes beyond the man himself.

Men’s egos are especially dangerous when they utter public vows that they may have to repudiate sooner or later. The ego demands that the public declarations come to pass rather than be repudiated by their originators or, worse, the unforgiving march of history. Once validated, a public declaration secures the ego of the man, makes him a prophet and makes him look strong before other men but especially in the eyes of his wife and children. The problem is greater, of course, when two egos collide. Because then, there are two groups of societies to face and … two spouses! That society could be a nuclear family, a board room, an extended family, a resident’s association, political party or even an entire nation! Sometimes, it stretches across two oceans like say the Atlantic and the Indian with consequences that reverberate in the land of the Euphrates and the Tigris. It takes a strong and unyielding uncle or child to pierce the egos of the two men with a timely word of truth, followed by wisdom which may or may not be received.

That wisdom was not received for Iraq because when you publicly order a head of state to leave a country within 48 hours live on CNN, you are far from being wise. That is why society invented the phrase ‘face saver.’ A face saver is designed to, privately, give a man and his ego a way out of the hole he has dug for himself with his very public utterances. For unless that happens, his ego will keep digging and quite furiously at that. If he is awarded a face saver, the man may go home and face his wife and say;

“I let them get away with it in the interests of progress.”

His wife will then smile sweetly and say;

“I know dear. You are such a strong and wise man.”

Then there is peace at home and, by consequence, peace for the rest of society.

Boycott Independence Day

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Tuesday, April 15th, 2008 by Bev Clark

I’m wondering what it will take for Zimbabweans to rise up and liberate themselves.

I’m hearing that the “brilliant and vainglorious” Mugabe has organised two of Zimbabwe’s most popular soccer teams, Dynamos and Highlanders, to play at Gwanzura Stadium during the Independence Celebrations on Friday.

A young man has written to Kubatana asking us to forward his “plea” to people to boycott the Independence celebrations even if they want to see their favourite soccer stars in action. But I guarantee you that the stadium will be full of Zimbabweans wanting some free entertainment even though they will be addressed by the man who has just stolen their vote.

Where are your balls boys? If you go to Gwanzura make sure to drown the old man out with songs of true liberation, jeer, laugh, invade the pitch but Do Something.

Counting on the docility of Zimbabweans

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Monday, April 14th, 2008 by Bev Clark

One of the great things about being part of a network of a wide variety of Zimbabweans is the comments and suggestions that we get at Kubatana.net. Here are some of the most recent ones:

Please if you can contact the MDC Tsvangirai. A recount must not be done. Who was keeping the boxes? Zanu can easily replace the boxes or open the old boxes and remove all the MDC ballot papers. When votes were counted all parties were present and they agreed but when the boxes were moved not all parties were present. – Andrew

It is clear that Mugabe and Zanu heavies do not want to relinquish power despite losing the elections. They will a lot of delaying tactics, counting on the docility of Zimbabweans. It’s no secret that Mugabe can steal our victory from right under our noses and Zimbabweans will just sit back and do nothing: Who wants to be shot down by Mugabe loyalists? What’s the way forward? We should avoid a situation that will force Mugabe to shoot us. Believe me; to Mugabe shooting to death tens of thousands of people to retain power is a walk in the park: He has done it before. So what should the people do? Should we wait patiently? For what? We should do something, but avoid the streets. As I see it, we do not have a legitimate government in power so we should stop obeying the government: Stop paying our bills, stop going to work. In other words make the country ungovernable until Mugabe relinquishes power, but by all means avoid the streets. At all costs.Do you catch my drift? – Shepherd

As we are going to have Independence day very soon on the 18th April, who is going to give the speech as a president because for now we are not having the president. And for the interest’s sake are there any preparations for the day. You know guys Zim is a funny country. – Melody

Let us go out there and wait somewhere everyday. Simply go to the ZEC offices sit outside and wait. Nobody goes to work. We wait. I’m tired of the arrogance. Nobody should be allowed to mess with a nation’s collective voice, the ballot! – Timothy

Its a pity this country is ruled by the army, no wonder why it has collapsed. Kusvika rini Mugabe achingozvuzvurudzwa semwana naChiwenga naShiri? – Felicitas

Could it have been a strategy by the government to introduce new tax bands at a time people are preoccupied with elections results. I realise that people are more keenly following the drama unfolding regarding elections without impressing upon ZCTU to make the proposed taxation levels an issue with government.Was it also a planned thing to introduce this issue when there is no sworn in cabinet. In any case, was it proper for a ‘cabinet minister’ to announce these taxation changes after dissolution of cabinet. So effectively we do not have any minister to address our issues to? I think I might be lost here. Advise me. – Alfonzy

A battle of stamina and strategy

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Monday, April 14th, 2008 by Brenda Burrell

The rollercoaster ride that has ensued since we cast our ballots in the March 29, 2008 “Harmonised” elections has left many of us dejected and demoralized.

We saw Zanu (PF) briefly lost for words as the magnitude of their defeat became apparent in the first few days of counting. Unhappily for us they have recovered their poisonous form and have now set their shoulder to the task of formally rigging the results.

Much criticism can be directed at the MDC(Tsvangirai), MDC(Mutambara) and Makoni camps for letting Zanu (PF) take a breathe and regroup. The fact that they have still not formed a coalition to resist Zanu (PF)’s determined attempts to steal the election is self-defeating.

As much as any of the opposition constructs may be able to lay claims to the most votes or the most integrity or the most internal Zanu (PF) support, none of them, on their own, is a match for the desperate regime that still clings to power.

What legitimacy does Robert Mugabe or his interim ‘cabinet’ have? None but that which we as a nation accord them by continuing to work through the discredited entities they have set up or influence.

  • The High Court as evidenced by Justice Tendai Uchena’s reluctance to act swiftly in the face of impending electoral fraud is undermined and not worthy of our participation.
  • The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission headed by High Court judge Justice George Mutandwa Chiweshe has acted in a manner that leaves no doubt that they are heavily biased towards Zanu (PF) and totally spineless.
  • The police force set to guard the ballot boxes after voting day is notoriously partisan and inclined to ‘follow orders’.
  • The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings is Zanu (PF)’s propaganda umbrella for radio, television and print media and purports to inform the nation on the ‘truth of the matter’.
  • SADC, epitomised by Thabo Mbeki, is a deaf, blind, mute construct determined to allow the worst kind of white collar crime – electoral fraud – to be perpetuated. They would have us believe that unless blood is spilled in volumes here, there is no crisis in Zimbabwe. In fact, their paucity of vision and leadership epitomises the crisis we have in Africa.

So here comes the hard part. We have to pool our collective imagination, stamina and determination to resist Zanu (PF)’s attempts to ‘claim’ these elections through their corrupt entities and efforts. As tired as we may feel, this time we have to beat Zanu (PF) at their game.

Undeserved Kudos?

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Sunday, April 13th, 2008 by Brenda Burrell

Zimbabweans have received praise galore for their patience as they wait interminably for the results of the presidential election held on March 29, 2008. Pity there is no prospect of bestowing kudos on SADC leaders as they met in Lusaka to consider the ‘crisis’ in Zimbabwe. They couldn’t even agree to use a word as strong as ‘crisis’ to describe this debacle.

Luckily, the light is dawning for many of us that our patience could be our downfall.

Consider this ridiculous scenario. Mugabe’s government gets to:

  • Set the election date
  • Handpick the head of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (an old friend)
  • Set the constituency boundaries
  • Monopolise government-run radio and television
  • Accredit press and election observers
  • Undermine uniformed forces’ right to a secret ballot
  • Raid foreign currency accounts to finance their well-timed pre-election giveaway of tractors, scotch carts and fuel etc
  • Use a politicized and discredited police force to ‘guard’ the ballot boxes – they’ve had at least 12 days free and clear to tamper with the contents of the ballot boxes
  • Print money to pay all and sundry – Since the announcement on Jan 25, 2008 of the date for the 2008 ‘Harmonised’ elections the parallel rate for the Zimbabwe dollar to the USD has gone from 4,750,000 to 65,000,000.

And then they have the cheek to claim they’ve been disadvantaged by a system of their own design!

One thing is clear – in spite of all their advantages, Zanu (PF) and Mugabe have lost their gerrymandered elections.

Now we know:

  • The Mugabe regime will not leave quietly
  • SADC will be of no assistance
  • Mbeki is unbecomingly biased towards Didymus Mutasa’s ‘dear old man‘ – Robert Mugabe
  • We can no longer afford to wait patiently for Zanu(PF) to rig its way around the Zimbabwean people’s vote for change

In spite of our many differences, the people of Zimbabwe now more than ever need to pull together to demand that our voices, raised through the recent elections be respected.

The MDC have apparently called for a rolling national strike from Tuesday April 15 in the event the presidential election results have not yet been announced by then. At this point in time it seems impossible to accept any further result that comes from the discredited ZEC – whether or not it is delivered on Monday, April 14. Should the impossible happen and the ZEC declares Morgan Tsvangirai President of Zimbabwe I will happily apologise for doubting them!

Multiple channels of resistance

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Sunday, April 13th, 2008 by Bev Clark

A book worth having a flip through is Kurt Schock’s Unarmed Insurrections: people power movements in nondemocracies. In a section on multiple channels of resistance, he has this to say . . .

Participation in a nondemocratic regime’s channels of political participation is not likely to succeed unless combined with noninstitutional pressure. In the Philippines, segments of the oppostion participated in Marcos’s institutionalised channels, yet they continued to exert noninstitutional pressure as well. In Burma, by contrast, after the military crackdown the opposition focused on the regime-controlled election campaigning leading up to the May 1990 elections without maintaining sufficient noninstitutional pressure against the regime. The opposition won the elections, but was demobilised and unable to force the government to step down as in the Philippines, where campaigns of nonviolent action were implemented concomitantly with participation in elections, and civil disobedience was implemented when Marcos refused to step aside.

The power to disrupt is vital to a challenge, and it should not be given up in exchange for participation in channels controlled by the state.

Words of advice for the pro-democracy movement in Zimbabwe?