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Archive for the 'Economy' Category

Time for Zimbabweans to withdraw their services

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Thursday, June 9th, 2011 by Bev Clark

It is simply mind boggling that Zimbabwe’s civil servants, teachers, nurses, doctors, policemen and women, and the underlings in the military, allow Zanu PF to accumulate wealth from our natural resources and other sources whilst the average person’s take home page is an unlivable wage. The Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe has threatened to strike. Surely its time for Zimbabweans to engage non-cooperation and withdraw their services. Non-violent mass action is required to send a message to those in power that the citizens of this country deserve better. Read this VOA story on how Biti is “struggling” to find funds to pay wages.

Public meetings on ZESA service delivery

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Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 by Bev Clark

Fed up with the service provided by the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA)? Then make a note of these public hearings on ZESA service delivery and go along and make your voice heard:

Be advised that the Portfolio Committee on State Enterprises and Parastatals Management will be holding  public hearings on the operations of Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA). The purpose of the public hearings is to gather views of the public on ZESA’s service delivery to the nation.

The public, interested groups, business persons, civic society organisations and the media are invited to the hearings which will be conducted in the areas mentioned below.

Contributions made will be considered by the Portfolio Committee in compiling a report to be tabled in Parliament.

Details of the Public Hearings  are as follows:

Friday, 10 June 2011

Gweru Theatre Hall

1000 hrs -1300 hrs

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Small City Hall (Bulawayo)

0900 hrs -1300 hrs

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Masvingo Civic Centre

0900 hrs -1300 hrs

Monday, 13 June 2011

Mutare Queens Hall

0900 hrs -1300 hrs

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Senate Chambers-Parliament Building (Hre)

0900 hrs -1300 hrs

Written submissions and correspondences on the above subject are welcome and should be addressed to:

The Clerk of Parliament
Attention: Portfolio Committee on State Enterprises and Parastatals Management
P.O. Box CY 298

The Agenda of Indigenisation in Zimbabwe

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Friday, June 3rd, 2011 by Upenyu Makoni-Muchemwa

Given the state of our economy, the current model for Indigenisation cannot help but appear to be another political project that plays on the poverty and disenfranchisement of millions of Zimbabweans but in effect will only benefit a few.

Speaking in an interview with the state media Reserve Bank Governor, Dr Gono says
“It has to be realised that not everybody can fit or benefit from the equity-ownership model we are pursuing. Only a few will and that’s a fact.”

One has to wonder what exactly the agenda is behind the programme. It is no secret that the Minister responsible for the programme is a business man himself, neither is it a secret that our Ministers have used other such programmes to amass vast wealth at the expense of the ordinary Zimbabwean.

There are far too many young people with brilliant ideas who lack the capital to finance their enterprises. There are even more who are frustrated by unemployment and poverty. It is this generation that runs riotously through the streets demanding that foreign owned property and companies be given to Zimbabweans. While for now they might have been persuaded to riot in aid of the Minister of Indigenisation’s cause, it is only a matter of time before they turn on a government that is failing them.

If we are to carry out indigenisation then it must be transparent and it truly must benefit all Zimbabweans.  Indigenisation should not be limited to the expropriation of shares from the few companies that have survived the economic roller coaster of the last decade. Empowerment must be looked at holistically. Rather than simply dividing up an economic cake that is becoming smaller every day, let us consider ways in which we can add to it and create wealth. We cannot continue to brag about Zimbabwe’s vast mineral wealth and human capital without having Zimbabweans at the forefront of exploiting these resources for Zimbabwe’s gain.

Are Zimbabwean MPs naive or studid?

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Friday, June 3rd, 2011 by Bev Clark

Clifford Chitupa suggests that our MPs blundered by ratifying US$98m loan for a spy centre:

Zimbabwe’s Members of Parliament blundered by ratifying the US$98m for a spy centre on Wednesday 1st June 2011. They should have known better that the country cannot afford the multi million dollar Chinese loan nor does Zimbabwe need a defence college before rubber-stamping Zanu-pf’s suspicious project. Although, the ratification was preceded by a ‘heated debate’, it is ironic that the MPs lost sight of an appeal on the same day by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for US$6 million to continue treating Zimbabwe’s water.

It seems the MPs are not keeping their eyes on the ball because UNICEF has already given $40 million of support to water and sanitation programmes in Zimbabwe a vital necessity for everyone regardless of political affiliation, unlike the spy centre. One would have thought that Bill Gates’ advice to African countries to work harder to get life-saving vaccines to children in order to save millions of lives was heeded (AFP, 17/05/11). The founder of Microsoft and philanthropist Mr Gates puts his money where his mouth is.

The Chinese loan is far from Zimbabwe’s national priorities, which we know to be food security, efficient electricity supply (or refurbishment of ZESA), road construction and maintenance, housing, railways, health and education which are all critical for the industrialisation of the country and employment creation. There are two key issues here: Do we need a foreign loan at this juncture? Secondly: Do we need a spy centre?

Zimbabwe is least advised to take any loan at the moment because the country’s total domestic and foreign debt was US$7.1 billion as at March 31, 2011. At
105% of the Gross Domestic Product, it means every Zimbabwean owes US$500 million! It appears the country’s leaders momentarily forgot the advice given by the African Development Bank vice-president for operations, Aloysius Uche Ordu when he said:

“Arrears clearance is so important because it’s the only way to re-engage the multilateral finance institutions” (AFP, Jan 18, 2010).

MPs should be reminded that voters will be more likely to be influenced by day to day problems like ZESA blackouts and its excessive tariffs, unemployment, hunger, erratic water supplies, a potholed road network, sub-standard health and other essential services than the number of spies produced by the Chinese college. The MPs should have declined to ratify the loan agreement for the simple reason that the country cannot afford it.

It’s very distressing to note that the loan will be repaid from proceeds to be brought in by Chinese mining firm Anjin Investments which is mining diamonds at Chiadzwa and would be repaid over 20 years at an interest rate of 2% per annum. You don’t have to be an economist to tell that such terms are unacceptable, at least for two reasons – mortgaging our diamonds for a non-essential like a spy college and the high interest rate due to Zimbabwe’s current poor credit worthiness. What happens if Anjin goes bust? Next: Do we need a defence college at the moment? Did the MPs benefit from an independent Value for Money audit let alone a Risk Assessment before endorsing the setting up of the spy centre? Do they know the full implications of a spy centre in the country?  Do the MPs fully know what is going to be done at/by the centre?

Zanu-pf Defence Minister, Emmerson Mnangagwa reportedly said the college will provide senior military officers with intellectual tools to address complex defence and national security challenges which in turn will contribute to national security. At least the MPs should have asked the Minister to explain how Zimbabwe has been meeting those needs since 1980 when it managed to fight in the Democratic Republic of Congo and before that against the Renamo in Mozambique.

The spy centre is expected to produce Cryptologic Linguists, Signals Intelligence Analysts, Human Intelligence Collectors, Military Intelligence
(MI) Systsms Maintaners and Integrators, Counterintelligence Agents, Imagery Analysts, Common Ground Station (CGS) Analysts, Intelligence Analysts, Signals Collectors or Analysts.  ‘All this expertise will be provided by the Chinese’(The Zimbabwean, 15/05/11).

It is further claimed the college will offer a Bachelor of Science degree in Intelligence and Master of Science degree in Strategic Intelligence working closely with the University of Zimbabwe. The likelihood of non-Zanu-pf candidates being recruited on a non-partisan basis into these sensitive programmes ranges from slim to zero.

Based on Mugabe’s reluctance to reform the security sector, this may be another Zanu-pf top secret project with help from the Chinese since radio jamming. In my view, the MPs will soon rather than later regret their big mistake. The spy college is likely to have short and medium-term implications for the economic revival in addition to the damage caused by the implementation of indigenisation laws – harshly, haphazardly and selectively.

Notwithstanding the generous Chinese assistance during the struggle against colonialism, however, it appears Zimbabwe is undergoing colonisation by the Chinese with the way things are. For example for the next 20 years the Chinese will be guaranteed of jobs at Anjin diamond mine in Marange, thanks to that loan agreement. Furthermore, there are concerns that project’s sensitivity might impact on the conduct of the forthcoming referendum and
2011 elections in the wake of the ongoing militarization of the state.

Another factor arising from globalisation is the discovery of a vast Chinese cyber-espionage network codenamed GhostNet that is designed to infiltrate sensitive ministries and embassies and has allegedly penetrated 103 countries and infects at least a dozen new computers every week, according to UK’s Daily Telegraph on 29 March 2009. However, the paper says, it remains unclear whether GhostNet was built by the Chinese government, or by independent hackers inside the country. Hopefully there will be no regrets.

©Clifford Clifford Mashiri, Political Analyst, London,

Mugabe, the travelling man

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Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 by Marko Phiri

Does our president ever stay in his own country? Silly, but well, it has been asked before, and I am asking it again this week.

A few years ago he was panned for trotting the globe, traveling the world and cartoonists had a field day as he was saddled with the unflattering sobriquet that borrowed the name of that well-travelled explorer Vasco da Gama.

Today our president “arrived” from Nigeria where he had gone to witness the swearing in of President Goodluck Jonathan. A few days ago he had “arrived” from Addis Abbaba, “arrived” from Namibia, “arrived” from Uganda, a few days before that “arrived” from…

Of course as “Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief” who wants the best of everything without regard of that starving Makokoba, Madlambuzi, Mhondoro granny you would expect this.

Yet Biti has already complained about the country ill-affording the “pleasure trips” of government officials with the poor taxpayer bearing the costs.

Of course it predictably will be claimed that the Dear President travels on official state business or whatever, but then we all know about other presidents who skip any jaunts and have made less foreign travel one of the defining  matrices of their tenure.

I liked it when Karikoka Kaseke – for the first time perhaps – opened his mouth and spoke sense when he complained recently that it is unfair to expect the impoverished taxpayers who will never in their lifetime board a plane to continue bailing out Air Zimbabwe when it is rich people who travel by air. And by rich, you just have to read “government officials!”

If we are to count the trips “His Excellency” has made since the beginning of 2011, keeping in mind of course the “medical tourism” to Asia, you have to seek Biti’s opinion about the justification of these travels.

Perhaps Biti might as well retort, “why ask me? Ask him!”

But we ask, how much have the taxpayers forked so far as we hit the half-year mark? The Singapore trips alone are already known to cost the taxpayer USD3 million according to press reports. Go figure.

Consultancies in Zimbabwe

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Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 by Bev Clark

Three (3) Consultant vacancies with UNDP
Deadline: 1 June 2011

The United Nations Development Programme would like to invite suitably qualified candidates to fill the below positions financed through a grant from The Global Fund, to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)

1. 7010: Consultant for the development of Phase 2 of Capacity Development Plan (Global Fund R8)

2. 7011: Consultant for the Development of Human Resources strategy and plans for the National TB Program

3. 7012: Consultant for facilitation of workshops for Health Services Board

The programme is implemented by UNDP Zimbabwe Office in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare in Zimbabwe.

Interested candidates should visit and download the detailed Terms of Reference here for their further action and submission of application letters.