Street vendors make convenient scapegoats don’t they?
Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 by Upenyu Makoni-MuchemwaTaking action against a Typhoid outbreak, which to date has had 900 reported cases, the City of Harare hastily dispatched Municipal Police to contain the spread of the disease by closing down Mereki, a popular braai spot in Warren Park. So far city and government health officials have named fish, raw meat sold in butcheries and fruits and vegetables for sale from open air vendors and people’s markets as vectors of the Salmonella Typhi bacterium. Authorities even went so far as to issue a statement saying that water was not the problem in this outbreak. According to the World Health Organisation, water, or in this case the lack of it, is the cause of a typhoid outbreak.
Water and sanitation delivery services have been poor at best and nonexistent at worst in all of the areas affected by Typhoid. Health officials report that cases have been found in Chitungwiza, Epworth, Dzivarasekwa, Budiriro and Warren Park. The epicentre of the outbreak is said to be in Kuwadzana. Residents of all these areas have complained vociferously to anyone who would listen about erratic water delivery, sewerage flowing unabated in the streets, zero refuse collection by the city and the decrepit state of their public ablution facilities. Given this set of circumstances it is surprising that outbreak is not more severe.