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NGO job vacancies in Zimbabwe: Apply Today!

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

If you’d like to get civic and human rights updates + information on internships, awards, conferences and NGO job vacancies, subscribe to our weekly e:zine. Email: join [at] kubatana [dot] net

Project Lawyer: Local NGO
Deadline: 26 August 2013

Location: Bulawayo

A vacancy has arisen in a local NGO for the post of a Project Lawyer based in Bulawayo.

Required personal information is as follows:
-Degree in Law
-Registered Legal Practitioner with at least one year experience in civil and criminal litigation
-Strong background in project and financial management
-Good communication skills, co – ordination, monitoring and evaluation skills
-Computer skills (PowerPoint, word etc)
-Should be fluent in Ndebele
-A valid driver’s licence is a must.

To apply
Applicants to email their detailed curriculum vitae to: projectofficerbyo [at] gmail [dot] com and produce original copies of their certificates during the interview.

M & E Officer: Local NGO
Deadline: 26 August 2013

Purpose of the Job
The Monitoring and Evaluation officer is responsible for monitoring and following up project activities among participating organisations.

Overall responsibilities
-In liaison with Funding Partner develop data collection tools for project activities
-Undertake the monitoring and evaluation activities in support of other team members
-Ensure maintenance of accurate records by the organisation and participating organisations
-Monitors the implementation of planned activities
-Collects, reviews, analyses and interpret data for planning purposes
-Formulates, reviews and maintains a sound and effective reporting system
-Provides technical support for monitoring and evaluation of the project
-Contribute to the organisational learning by preparing and disseminating data on lessons learned, good practices and statistical evidence of the program achievements
-Participate in activities to disseminate programme evaluation findings
-Prepares and compiles progress reports monthly and quarterly for project activities.

Minimum qualifications and experience
-First degree in development studies, social sciences, or a relevant field
-Diploma in M&E, experience in home based care or palliative care an added advantage
-A minimum of five years’ experience in community work, two of which should be in monitoring and evaluation and/or operational research
-Working experience in designing and implementing evaluation strategies
-Excellent documentation and data analysis skills of both quantitative and qualitative nature
-Highly computer literate in Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint, SPSS, EPI Info or any other statistical tools
-Highly innovative and a self starter
-Fluent in national languages Ndebele, Shona and English
-A clean class four driver’s licence

To apply
If you are interested and meet the above requirements please send your application letter, detailed CV and copies of your certificates to the following: fadzaic [at] zwla [dot] co [dot] zw
Successful candidate to start immediately

Physiotherapist: Sport 4 Socialisation (S4S)
Deadline: 27 August 2013

Location: Mutare, Zimbabwe
Start date: 1 September 2013
Duration: 4 months, with possibility to extend

Sport 4 Socialisation
Children with disabilities are often hidden, locked-up and isolated from society. Nobody believes in their potential. But S4S does! The only precondition is an encouraging environment.

We empower the children to break out from their isolation and surprise society with their potential. We inspire, encourage and coach them to move boundaries. We create lasting change, by involving the whole community.

We strengthen them via physiotherapy and adapted physical activity. We connect them with able-bodied as well as disabled peers and teach them to stand up for themselves in society. We teach families how to deal with disability and fend for themselves economically. During the whole process, we keep monitoring progress. So we can achieve maximum potential. And we inspire, encourage and coach the community to
change their minds about disability.

Sport 4 Socialisation (S4S) is working in Zimbabwe since 2008. From the Eastern border Town Mutare, where the S4S headquarters is based, we work very hard on the implementation of our multiple award winning Social Inclusion Programme. We support children with disabilities and their families with adapted and inclusive physical activities, physiotherapy, healthcare, parent support groups and livelihood development.

Over 500 children and their families are supported through this programme.

Role of the Physiotherapist
In general the Physiotherapist shall be responsible for the running of the physiotherapy clinic and the casting room. Under the physiotherapist programme we have several sub-programmes:
-Intakes and assessments
-Physiotherapy (incl. casting)
-Direct Child Support (medication, corrective surgeries and assistive devices)
-Disability maintenance and awareness training.

Key tasks and responsibilities
-Organise and implement intake and assessments with (new) beneficiaries and their families
-Implement physiotherapy therapy activities on a daily basis for children with a disability
-Build and maintain a database for all beneficiaries including a Monitoring and Evaluation system
-Develop Individual Rehabilitation Plans with beneficiaries and their families and monitor and evaluate the progress of the beneficiaries
-Assess and plan individual child interventions (medication, corrective surgeries and assistive devices etc.) and provide follow ups of interventions done through home visits, school visits and group meetings
-Mediate for Direct Child Assistance (medication, corrective surgeries, assistive devices etc.)
-Maintain and improve relations with partners and stakeholders, especially with medical partners for individual child interventions
-Be responsible for the maintenance of the therapy equipment
-Prepare periodic evaluation reports
-Prepare periodic work plans, incl. budget.

Key requirements and skills

-Bachelor of physiotherapy
-Work experience and knowledge
-Proven experience in a similar position
-Proven paediatric experience
-Proven experience in monitoring and evaluation
-Excellent written and verbal English communication skills
-Computer literate, excellent with MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

Proactive; Good and open communicator who is a critical thinker and has a strong personality; A professional orientation to work; Impeccable integrity; Committed; Dedicated.

Between US$600 – US$700 – depending on level of experience plus Medical AID
and transport reimbursement.

To apply
Applications: Cover letter and CV (2 separate documents) only via email to: office.zimbabwe [at] sport4socialisation [dot] org with “Physiotherapist” in the subject line.

Presidential promises

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

“The peasant who cast his vote on July 31 created my victory. I am at his service. I am his emissary and servant.” Robert Mugabe

So does that mean we can all queue up at his mansion in Borrowdale with our empty buckets and get some water? Please.

Coercion by traditional leaders

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

From a rural subscriber:

 is continuing, this time severely.Two weeks ago people were forced to contribute towards Heroes Day celebrations in rural areas & now it is contributions towards the inauguration of the local headman. Are celebrations forced to be contributed towards or it is someone’s wish? Rural people have suffered much yet they struggle to get money. Who will liberate them from the scavenging leaders?

Books, and their uses

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark


How We Let People Go

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

Of course, you never really forget anyone, but you certainly release them. You stop allowing their history to have any meaning for you today. You let them change their haircut, let them move, let them fall in love again. And when you see this person you have let go, you realize that there is no reason to be sad. The person you knew exists somewhere, but you are separated by too much time to reach them again. – Chelsea Fagan, How We Let People Go

The MDC don’t have a leadership and strategy capable of winning an election

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

I thought I’d share some of the feedback that we’ve been getting from Zimbabweans on Leonard Matsa’s recent article in which he suggests that Zanu PF didn’t so much win the election; rather the MDC don’t have a leadership and strategy capable of winning an election.

I have to respond to some of Leonard Matsa’s comments. I totally agree that the MDC leaders were sleep at the wheel of a ship that was steaming towards the rocks but I cannot agree that all the blame can be put at their doorstep. Our biggest problem was that we put our trust in the likes of the AU, SADC, ZANU, the Judges and assumed the honesty of our opponents. They did not realise the depths of desperation to subvert and undermine the whole electoral process that  ZANU and their government agencies were prepared to go to. The MDC cannot be blamed for the fact that the millions of people in Zimbabwe cannot be bothered to go and register. The MDC cannot be blamed for the appointment of partisan and devious people to the Registrar generals office so that those that did register were either excluded from the roll or deliberately put in some other constituency . The MDC cannot be blamed for the fact that Billions of dollars have been looted at Marange and diverted into the coffers of ZANU. Memory is a very short term thing, the people have forgotten what state Zimbabwe was in 5 years ago. The cholera, worthless money, poor service delivery collapsed infrastructure, hyperinflation and starvation have been forgotten by the people. The deprivations and suffering inflicted on the people by ZANU ineptitude and corruption over the first 28 years of independence cannot be blamed on the MDC. It appears that Zimbabwean people expected the MDC to fix all the hardships inflicted on them over a quarter of a century in the space of 5 years. They expected the MDC to do this with both hands tied behind their back and blindfolded. The real power was never in the hands of the MDC, the civil servants and local government officials have always been and still are manipulated and controlled by ZANU appointees and the MDC was and still is powerless to put a stop to it. The MDC’s biggest mistake and it will always be a scar on their reputation is that they were sweet talked into becoming a part of the GNU. The MDC in effect surrendered the mandate the people gave them in April 2008 through the control of parliament to recognise a president that stole the subsequent run off. The MDC leadership were then so arrogant and irrationally self confident that they agreed in 2013 to participate in the next flawed poll. My only hope is that the people of Zimbabwe never allow any of their future leaders (MDC or otherwise) to participate in any election without a completely level playing field and which is conducted and run by an honest broker. By participating in these last elections we have given Robert Mugabe and ZANU the legitimacy to claim “We were freely elected by a majority of the Zimbabwean electorate.” Everyone including the most die hard ZANU supporter knows that that statement is a complete fabrication. The people now have 5 years to decide whether they perpetuate the farce that is the ZANU government or find a new or existing leader that everyone can rally behind 100%.
Written by: John

Greetings! I am writing to express my profound gratitude for your featured article on leadership and democracy in Zimbabwe by Matsa. The article captured in a poetic way what most of us who are in the trenches for democracy’s sake have been seeing and watching for a very long time and now it has come to pass! The article is a balanced analysis that highlights our pain and betrayal without passing stinging judgement. I cant find a better way of saying what we have gone through as ordinary citizens than the way Masta has done. Thank you for your courage to publish this article and thank you to him for the inspiration he gives to the movement of those who pray to be delivered from evil! We are all to blame! and we are all pained! Peace.
Written by: Jimmy

My opinion is that Leonard Matsa’s article is spot on and presents the realities,Zanu PF started campaigning in 2009 hence the massive win. Written by: Gumbusai

Excellent. Many, many people are angry with MDC leadership but they do not really now why. Their anger is largely instinctual. This article will help folk articulate their anger. How do YOU get the people who will insist on leadership renewal to read this?
Written by: Richard

Yes, I support you. MDC has no leadership, its only that people of Zimbabwe are desperate for the so-called change. MDC should be honest and take responsibility of their mistakes and miscalculations not just to blackmail ZANU-PF with its clear policies.
Written by: Admire