Stop the violence
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 by Bev Reelerout beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing
there is a field
I’ll meet you there
Last week the Tree of Life held workshops in the granite rocks of Mutoko
sheltering from the October heat under Mahatcha trees
as they dropped their ripening fruit into the circles
30 people had walked from their homes 1 to 2 hours away
all from the same community
headmen, councillors, community leaders and activists
victims and the perpetrators together in the same circle
victims who had become perpetrators
and perpetrators who had become victims
brother against brother
father against son
a community who have been carrying the brunt of political conflict and social upheaval in the centre of their families
but in this place
where they told their stories
they began to speak of something different
of their need to stop the violence
and to reconstruct their lives
to see beyond fear
into the eyes of their brother, neighbour, friend
and recognise that peace was more important
(there was even the space for humour
as one man said to the person who had burnt his house and stolen his chicken.
“the house I can understand – but my hen?
did you think she had a vote?”)
and when the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about