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More solidarity messages for the 45

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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

We have received more text messages expressing support for Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and the 44 others who have been charged with treason:

  • Absurd it is and I condemn it in the strongest manner possible. Asi kuenda kwemukuru shingai varume we are with you in spirit.
  • ‘Let my people go.’ Exodus 5 v. 2 History is on our side! Age is on our side! People are on our side! God is on our side! The people shall govern!
  • Under these very difficult circumstances I wish you courage, faith, patience and humour.
  • The world has eyes. Nothing is going to happen to the 45 detained on false treason charges.
  • No rule of law, no democracy, no peace, no justice. It’s high time we should take to the streets and demonstrate against dictatorship.
  • Let us pray for them. God is for the oppressed. One day he will free his oppressed people. Let’s have faith in him.
  • I support them because they are driving towards human, civil, political, social and economic rights.
  • We must be free to choose our favourite leaders.
  • Vicious regimes are destined to fall. We’ve the strong conviction to free our nation. Let’s fight on guys.
  • The Almighty God is watching. You will conquer. Keep the wheels of change rolling. We are with you.
  • Those who arrested the 45 are the ones who are committing treason.
  • Free the 45 now! – Batanai
  • To those imprisoned we want you to know that we serve a God of infinite justice. Be encouraged. We will pray for you and hold you in our hearts. – Nan
  • An injury to one is an injury to all. We are with them wherever they are. We will stand with them.
  • This is not fair. This is inhuman. We are sick and tired with these perpetrators. We people should stand bold enough to conquer this evil doing.
  • Free the 45 now!
  • All I can say to Robert and his cowboys is: Please give peace a chance!
  • We will continue with this abuse if we maintain this obedience and faithfulness of pet dogs.

Sunset over remand

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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Tonight will be the 12th night in custody for Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and the 44 others who have been charged with treason.

I’ve just watched the most gorgeous sunset. Free the 45 now. They deserve to get to watch the sunset too.

Ruling expected Monday in Gwisai +44 case

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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Find below a statement from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, following yesterday’s proceedings in the Magistrate’s Court. Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and 44 other detainees have been charged with treason for watching a video of recent events in Egypt and discussing it. They have been in custody since Saturday 19 February. A ruling on the application for refusal of placement on remand by the lawyer for the accused, Alec Muchadehama, is expected Monday 7 March. By that point the detainees will have spent 16 nights in custody.

Magistrate orders examination and treatment of detainees pending determination of remand proceedings

Harare Magistrate Munamato Mutevedzi on Tuesday 1 March 2011 ordered prison authorities to allow private medical practitioners to examine and treat 45 social and human rights activists who were subjected to torture while in police custody and those whose health has been compromised as a result of disruption to the administration of their medication.

Magistrate Mutevedzi ordered prison authorities to allow the detainees to be attended to by doctors of their own choice after the prison doctor refused to examine and treat detainees as had been ordered by the Court.

The Magistrate said this should be done in conformity with prison regulations and the examination and treatment should be conducted at the Zimbabwe Prison Service (ZPS) institutions.

The order came after defence lawyer Alec Muchadehama advised the court that his clients were only attended to by a nurse instead of doctors as had been ordered by the court on Thursday 24 February 2011

Muchadehama protested that his clients were denied medical examination and treatment as had been ordered when the detainees last appeared in court last week and his clients had been exposed to life-threatening conditions as a result.

The human rights lawyer had requested that his clients be attended to by doctors of their own choice at private medical institutions or at a government hospital such as Parirenyatwa Hospital.

But Magistrate Mutevedzi ordered prison officials to allow the detainees to be attended to by doctors of their choice in compliance with prison regulations.

The Magistrate deferred his ruling on an application for refusal of placement on remand for the 45 human rights activists which was filed on Thursday 24 February 2011 and which was opposed by the State, represented by Edmore Nyazamba and Dumisani Mthombeni.

Magistrate Mutevedzi said he will deliver his ruling on Monday 7 March 2011 because he will not be available in court from Wednesday 2 March 2011 up to Friday 4 March 2011, as he would be attending to some prior commitments.

Muchadehama led evidence from two witnesses Antonater Choto and Masline Zvomuya, who both denied plotting to subvert the government or committing treason as alleged by the State.

Zvomuya stated that she was not part of the people who were attending the International Socialist Organisation (ISO) meeting but was arrested while retailing mobile phone handsets and airtime in her office which is located at Cross Roads building from where the social and human rights activists were arrested while attending a lecture.

Solidarity messages for Gwisai & 44 others

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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

We sent a text message and email to our subscribers inviting them to submit their solidarity messages for Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and the 44 other detainees who have been charged with treason for watching a video of recent events in Egypt and discussing it.

We were flooded with text messages of support – and of course a few less than sympathetic messages.

Please read them below and add your message of support to the detainees by submitting a comment – we will pass on all messages of support to the detainees, their families, and the organisations supporting them.

  • Hang in there and hold on to your minds because that is the one thing you can control. – FM, Harare
  • We support what you have started, this is how Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi did, at first they lost in the late 19th Century, but by your Spirit, one day we will win. Your courage will always remind us of what to stand for and always resist the evil in our sight. Your vision has conquered the evil in the land and there’s no way evil will conquer the good. – JC
  • My message is that we are together gentlemen in this struggle, keep your spirits high, one day someone will pay for it, the truth shall set us all free – MS
  • United we stand, divided we fall. It’s high time we speak with one voice. To Gwisai and company you are not alone in this let’s fight to the bitter end.
  • Nelson Mandela once said there is no easy walk to freedom and many of us will have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death until we realise our dreams. It is just a matter of time.
  • Violence had already started here in Chegutu they are searching for Zanu PF cards they are saying we must disconect our satellite dishes because of what happened in Egypt.
  • There is need for a consensus view of the stakeholder in persuit of the concerns.
  • We must have a mass protest. It must be properly coordinated.
  • You know that we are ready for everything. Let’s see what happens there Murerengwa is now taking the lands of people at Chigodora area.
  • Weeping may tary for the night but joy comes in the morning. There is no night so long that do not end with dawn! Change is inevitable and definitely on its way!
  • Rambai makashinga vana veZimbabwe. It’s high time Bob and his regime leave office and present us with our much awaited freedom.
  • That’s not fair it indicates that Mugabe is afariad of what is happening in Libya now he is no way.
  • Is it wrong to watch and learn what is happening in any country so that it doesn’t happen to us? – RC
  • There is light at the end of the tunnel. Remember a duckling can’t fly to catch an eagle. No way out!
  • How unfortunate that you have to go through this what goes around comes around.
  • The guilty are afraid they must free the innocent. The writing is on the wall. All are going one by one.
  • Couldn’t they watch the videos at their respective homes? Let them pay the price.
  • We should fight tooth and nail till we get rid of that.
  • Patriotism is an antidote to treason charges.
  • Dictator’s time is up we are with you Gwisai & co.
  • Be strong guys everything has its ending and dictators do not fall easily. You shall be set free.
  • Kana kangoma koririsa . . . Surely Baba Chatunga and partners can finish the above and keep the exit way very clear – and I mean very clear be ready to run.
  • Barbaric way to supress freedom. Change is inevitable.
  • Shame on Mugabe. The tyranny. Mugabe and his shenanigans will face the full wrath of the law.
  • We are with you. You are in our prayers.
  • Vahamama nyika inotongwa naGushungo.
  • Never ever give up. Victory is certain.
  • This is politics and it’s a totalitarian state.
  • The majority of African countries, including their leaders, have waged liberation wars emenating from lessons learnt from other countries, so there is nothing wrong with watching a simple video which was not even discussing about killing anyone. Where is the trason charge emanating from?
  • A true picture of what we have become as Zimbabweans because we have allowed this kind of rubbish to grow. My thoughts and prayers to the affected and their families.
  • There is light at the end of each dark tunnel. To the detainees, thumbs up and keep up the good work. Our thoughts are with you always.
  • Kubatana! Just hold on guys. It’s just a matter of time. They are trying to induce fear into us. Varikuzviziva kuti we’re Egypt Part 2. Anyway it won’t change us.
  • Better to kill us all than those 45 for nothing.
  • We are behind them and we know that our nation transparency, rule of law and democracy. God is for everyone.
  • Let them take them to court evidence irikupi kusadzidza madofo we are with you comrades struggle continues.
  • A revolution can only be delayed but never stopped. Your pain is our pain. God shall fight the battle for us.
  • Tired of this brutality trusted security have turned into a stinging serpant. We shall never be silenced by this barbaric act. It’s rise and act.
  • It’s a way of decampaigning opposition parties everyday Zanu PF is having illegal meetings in and out of Harare but noone charges.
  • We are together in the struggle.
  • You are in our thoughts.
  • It means we are also going to be imprisoned for watching Press TV and France 24.
  • I think this is outrageous. What freedom does anyone have in this country? I am deeply sorry for those who have been detained and send them my concerned thoughts. Pam
  • I don’t support the arresting of innocent citizens but I will pray for them because their freedom is my freedom. The Minister of Justice must resign and let the pepole form an independent judiciary. Our country’s judges must refrain from politics.
  • If other countries can do it why can’t we do it? Forward with the demonstrations for their release.
  • In solidarity with the detainees.
  • Guys must not panic that’s the way they play their politics towards elections.
  • My prayers are with you guys. Just hang in there. Things are about to get better.
  • Things will be all right definitely the oppression, dictatorship and corruption will come to an end. Let’s continue to fight for a new Zimbabwe.
  • Our laws are draconian, suppressive and violate civil liberties.
  • To Gwisai & Co: Take heart. Change is not some future event. The process of change is ongoing. It begins anew each day. Tiny seeds are being planted daily which will bear fruit – R Mandeya
  • The regime is afraid of what’s happened in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia.
  • Your courage is an example to all of Zimbabwe. Let us urge them to follow! Miles Anderson, Los Angeles
  • Mugabe auraya nyika takatarisa vanhu vapera kuurawa pasina mhosva ndiyechete anesimba rekuratidzira pasina kusungwa isu tikati tiratidzire tosungwa kodzero dzedu dzochorwa makatarisa motinyepera kuti panevanotarisa kodzero dzevanhu kuZimbabwe.
  • God is the soul provider. That’s the beginning and the end. Let’s soldier on.
  • Do not give up guys we are behind you. United we stand divided we fall.
  • Words alone cannot explain how I feel for those guys but good will eventually prevail over evil. We will fight on.
  • We all rally behind you to those who are detained one day you will be set free. United we stand divided we fall!
  • Am I the only one bothered by the fact that we were forced to play ball by the terrorists? Let’s also sign the Pro sanctions petition till Gwisai and others are free.
  • God is our key let us hope justice shall rule.
  • Mapurisa acho anorwara anoda kutodzidziswa democracy.
  • Mugabe and his cronies have their tails grown too long.
  • One day in Zimbabwe, if you exceed road speed limit, you will be charged with Treason because they don’t know the meaning of it.
  • The dictator knows that he should step down so he uses all forms of violence to silence us. To the dictator I say free the 45 detained they have the right to liberty.
  • God the almighty lives forever. Let’s have faith in him.
  • May the Lord intervene in finding solace for those detained.
  • They must not kill them but discipline them.
  • My prayers are with them. We will continue fighting for our rights to the bitter end!
  • It is time up for the Zimbabwe to tell the dictator enough is enough.
  • Daniel was put in a lions’ den but nothing happened. God is with you, we love you always.
  • Where is the United Nations? We should unite and fight oppression. The law is blindly applied against innocents side while protecting perpetrators of violence.
  • Let’s go for the Egyptian style. Kusvika rini tichitya kuurawa. We are 100% behind you. Never lose hope.
  • I don’t think there is democracy in Zimbabwe. In 1980, the Zimbabweans voted for Zanu PF because they wanted the party. In March 2008, the people voted for MDC and then Zanu PF is saying people are turning against the government. Munyaradzi Gwisai and others are now suffering for their rights. If you stand for your rights in Zimbabwe you will be charged with treason.
  • It’s always hard to have a beginning. Now that the 45 have begun it we stand behind them. Let it roll!
  • The world is shaking. So let’s be very careful. Over 2600 people are feared to be killed in Libya. So let’s be very watchfull.
  • How do 45 people plot to overthrow a government when they do not have weapons? Dictators take note of the slightest noise because they know their rough deeds.
  • For one to desire fame, wealth or power at the expense of one’s peace of mind is unacceptable. They have our support.
  • It’s unfair really.
  • You are not alone in this fight, I am with you in prayer. Soldier on for there is a better tomorrow for both of us!
  • In time of sorrow put all your trust in God and He shall fight for you. We are there for you.
  • It is very unfair to be arrested for watching a video. If that were the case then everyone who watches Al Jazeera, CNN, BBC should be arrested for viewing the overthrow of President Mubarak.
  • Why are these Zanu idiots not at ease. Leave them detained and free them. We stand with you. Justice from Zimbabwe will deal with you in near future.
  • Do not get dejected. Cheer up! The charges will not stick. The dictator is feeling the heat. Change is imminent. RGMT
  • Backward never, forward ever. Do not be discouraged by detention, we support and love you guys.
  • Be strong and firm. We are tired of dictators. We are with you.
  • Message of support for the 45 detained. They may maim you, beat you up, abuse you, torment you, torture you, butcher you or kill you but they’ll never kill your souls. This is a new beginning. The sun shall rise again. Tiri tose mune ichi chimurenga. You’re heroes & legends of this country. Sisonke! – Steve
  • Don’t worry God is there to save you.
  • Remember many people watched video on Egypt uprising and other countries who are uprising. It is not fair to detain Gwisai and others that show that Mugabe regime is afraid of the similar situation in Zim. I support the 45.
  • There is no way. It’s only that they are afraid it might happen. But this can only happen if they are as dirty as those in it.
  • They must not look back, one day the dictator will fall just like what is about to happen to the Libyan leader.
  • Let’s go marching to the street coz we are sick and tired now.
  • Kuvhunduka chaita kwata hunge unekaturuke. Tell the guys heroes don’t cry. Sisonke guys.
  • You’ve got friends in Portland, Oregon, USA! Keep strong, comrades!
  • We are praying for their freedom. They are our tomorrow freedom fighters.
  • This government must release the accused without any charges and those responsible for torturing them must be arrested.
  • Hey thanks y’all for holdin’ it down in zimbabwe! The resistance in your country has been an inspiration to us all over the world!
  • My thoughts are with you every day. Your imprisonment is outrageous. Friends are trying to help by putting on pressure.  Keep strong. Best wishes Ingrid Sinclair
  • please free them.
  • Your bravery to gather and have a meeting to discuss our country and
  • problems is most cherished. We salute you. Will continue to pray for you guys. In a revolution; expect setbacks, but refuse retreat. – Maurice N.
  • as someone active in southern africa solidarity work, i send my deepest greetings.  respect to all of you, and may this experience build your strength and commitment inside and outside the jails and courts. particular greetings to hopewell gumbo, who i met years ago.  blessings in this hard time, my brother. en la lucha, .brush
  • Hazvinei hazvo mukoma wangu, kunyange vakakusunga maoko , havana kukusunga moyo wako. Shingirira mukoma. Hauzi wega, inga wani President T vakabva neko wani.Tiri tese mukurwadziwa kwako. Kunyange vakakurova , tinorwadziwawo nesu. Pasi ne chembere. Tinosvikepi nazvo , zvichaguma chete. – RM
  • I urgue upon the responsible authorities to release gwisai and company,justice denied to them is justice denieded to all zimbabweans.every zimbabwean have the right to freedom of  association, assembly, speech and to life.some other countries have their freedom charters like the americans who say;we hold these truth to be self evident that all human beings were created equally and that they are endowed with certain unalienated rights,among them is life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Dear Munyaradzi Gwisai and all the 44 comrades. We are with you in our hearts as you go through this very unfortunate experience. It can never be a crime to be a child of Zimbabwe. All children of Zimbabwe were endowed with the capacity to think and analyse issues. Let not this dark cloud wash away your intellectual faculties, because in them lies the future of our beloved Zimbabwe. Chirikure Chirikure
  • All members and supporters of the Zimbabwe Information Centre (Western Australian Branch) demand the immediate release of the 45. Munyaradzi has strong family and friendship links in Western Australia and we will all be working hard for his and the other 44′s release. Please convey to them our solidarity and support. Yours in Unity, Paul Kaplan, Convenor, Zimbabwe Information Centre (Western Australia)
  • Gwisai and 44 others should be released for they wronged nothing by showing solidarity with the fallen heroes and heroines of Egypt and Tunisia. The tyranny residue of ZANU PF has panicked because of the proceedings in Libya and they had to try to suppress the might be Zimbabwe Revolution.


To The Top 45 Zimbabweans!

I thank each and every one of you for the part you have been forced to play, and I encourage you with only these words:

We see the world not as it is, but as WE ARE.

I hope that you can look on your current ‘misfortune’ with an air of hope and clarity, and always look for what you can gain out of a situation rather that what you are losing.

I can give you a list of what you are gaining to help you out for starters.

You have gained our respect
You have gained an opportunity to come together
You have gained time to think and hope and pray
You have gained the thoughts and prayers of many
You have gained the respect of your families
You have gained an opportunity to show that you are a patriotic Zimbabwean, a true Zimbabwean,

Zibmabwean men and women once targeted, become heros in their own right.

Thank you for the part you are playing.


To the beloved 45: Your efforts for a free and democratic Zimbabwe are not in vain. Our prayers are with you worldwide. Do not despair for there is someone, somewhere including this writer who wants to see a great generation in a free and democratic Zimbabwe. To Cde Gwisai, remember the day when l was expelled from Chinhoyi in 2007. You gave me strength and refered me to the late Learn more Judah Jongwe for further deliberations. By that action alone, you made my career to be where it is today. Do not despair Cde, we are trying all we can  thru the ZFSLN to have you freed. As to Cde Hopewell, sisonke. We will fight until we have reached Canaan. Who knew that Mubarak,Ben Ali and soon Gadhaffi will go. Please all Cdes in the jail, our prayers are with you until you are free. – Cde Box


To all of you falsely arrested – Munyaradzi Gwisai, Antonater Choto, Tatenda Mombeyarara, Michael Sozinyu, Edson Chakuma, Hopewell Gumbo, Welcome Zimuto, Philip Magaya, Prolific Simbarashe Mataruse, Godknows Biya, David Mupatse, Douglas Muzanenhamo, Reki Jimu, Ganizani Nunu, Josphat Chinembiri Terenyika, Strutton Nyaya Muhambi, Trevor Chamba, Clarence Mugari, Munyaradzi Maregedze, Willie Tinashe Hlatswayo, Ian Muteto, Tinashe Mutazu, Pride Evidence Mukono, Lenard Kamwendo, Tinashe Chisaira, Trust Munyama, Peter Garanewako, Elizaberth Chipo Makume, Megline Malunga, Daison Bango, Malvern Hobwana, Tashinga Mudzengi, Ednar Chabalika, Thokozile Mathe, Francesca Thomson, Masline Zvomuya, Nhamo Kute, Annie Chipeta, Tabeth Chideya, Charles Mbwandarikwa, Thomas Chibaya, Fatima Manhando, Blessing Muguzaya, Robert Muhlaba, Tinashe Muzambi – Please know that you are in our minds every day and we have been spreading the word to everyone we know – all over the world -  about the unacceptable grounds on which you were arrested and are now being held. As has been said: ‘What are you guilty of?’ Only what everyone who has or can get near a TV set has been doing – both in Zimbabwe and the rest of the world: observing and discussing pretty startling world events. The oppression and absence of freedom of speech which has been visited on you as a result is not to be tolerated. And you have the sympathy and condemnation of what you (and your families) have been suffering from hundreds if not thousands of us.  Our warmest support and concern, Tirzah Loewenstein, family and friends.

Gwisai +44 remanded in custody for another week

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Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

At the Magistrate’s court in Harare today, the case of Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and 44 activists who have been arrested and charged with treason for watching and discussing a DVD of material about recent political events in Egypt continued.

The court is currently hearing an application for refusal of placement on remand by the lawyer for the accused, Alec Muchadehama of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.

Today the court heard Gwisai be cross examined by the prosecution, and also herd testimony from Antonater Choto and from a woman who sells airtime in the building and was caught up in events when the police raided the meeting.

The state was then expected to present its response to Muchadehama’s application. However, it argued that its submissions were lengthy, and the court agreed to receive them in writing.

The Magistrate then reported that he is unavailable to hear the matter for the rest of the week – and can only resume the case next week Monday. All 45 accused have been remanded in custody until at least that date. By next week Monday, they will have spent 16 nights in custody.

Gwisai & 44 other treason charge detainees currently in court

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Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Yesterday’s update from the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) below described what happened in court yesterday in the case of Munyaradzi Gwisai + 44 others who have been charged with treason following a discussion meeting Saturday 19 February.  They are currently appearing in court again today. The Magistrate instructed everyone who was standing to leave, and closed the doors to the court.

The arrested Comrades were scheduled to appear in court today but to our surprise when the time was up for the matter to start we saw a different female magistrate on the bench who advised us that the magistrate who is presiding over the matter was in  a meeting with the Chief Justice. The matter was therefore postponed to tomorrow as the meeting was said to take the whole day today. All the magistrate had to say was that she knew nothing about the case and was not going to hear any petitions from the defence lawyers.  We are therefore going to court again at 11:15am tomorrow. We however visited the male prison and gave them food in the afternoon but we failed to give the females their meal as they were still at the court at the time we visited the prison. The officers refused to accept the food on their behalf.