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Free the 45! Watch the video and share your solidarity

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Monday, March 7th, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Frustrated and looking for Something I could do to express my outrage, I shaved my head in solidarity with Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and the 44 others who have been charged with treason for discussing recent events in Tunisia and Egypt.

Watch the video here and share your solidarity – email info [at] kubatana [dot] net

Treason charge detainees moved to solitary confinement

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Monday, March 7th, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

The following update from the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) shares some of the challenges Munyaradzi Gwisai and the 44 others who have been charged with treason have faced during their prolonged detention:

We had been paying the rentals of the families of the detained and to give them some cash to meet their daily basic requirements. A Trust was set up called Fourty-Five Social Response Trust in order to ensure that the needs of the detained and their families are met. Currently all the funds we received are being administered by a law firm in town to ensure accountability. We are currently working on the issue of a bank account for the trust in order to ensure that all funds are deposited in one account.

Now back to the affairs of the detained: We visited them during the week and they were being examined by medical doctors of their choice to check on their health as per the court order and this was being facilitated by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights. We were reliably informed that by Friday afternoon the doctors had finished examining everyone and the only pending issue was the medicines and further examination to some who needed special attention for example Antonetter Choto and a few others.

On Saturday morning we visited the male remand prison only to be told that half (17) of the prisoners had been moved to Harare Central Prison (a prison designed for convicted persons only) and the other
17 remained at the remand prison. Those who had been moved told us that they were moved on Friday evening and they were in solitary confinement, one in his own cell. They were allowed 30 minutes exercise in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening and the rest 23 hours they had to spend in a locked cell, each person by himself.

We could see frustration and distress on the faces of these 17 comrades. We asked in vain to get an explanation as to why these people who are not yet convicts were in a prison for the convicted. We however managed to give them food and drinks. We advised the lawyers on the matter and they said they will look into it. The comrades are however due to attend court on Monday 07/03/11.

Let them go home today

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Monday, March 7th, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

It’s days like this that make me wish I could believe in something. Instead, my every eyelash and rainbow and first star wish, my deepest hope and greatest intention have all been going for the same thing for the past 17 days. I need this to be the day the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe)’s Munyaradzi Gwisai, ZIMCODD’s Hopewell Gumbo, our colleague Lenard Kamwendo and the 42 others who have been charged with treason go home.

More solidarity messages for Gwisai +44

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Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Solidarity messages for Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) and the 44 others who have been charged with treason continue to pour in. Here are a few more:

  • Inotambika Boyz. Ibhora rembabvu ukatsikwa unogona kuputika chigunwe but still ibhora mberi.
  • The detention of the 45 people is unwarranted and does not merely show that the regime is desperate but also clearly shows its repressive and autocratic nature. The people have freedom of expression and association and nobody, however great and powerful, should deprive them of their inalienable rights.
  • Mugabe should understand he doesn’t own this country and people no longer like him and his band of thugs. He should free all political prisoners or he faces our unarmed wrath now.
  • We are praying for you guys. God is up there. One day He will say enough is enough. We support you.
  • This is total madness and a desperate move by Zanu PF. I condemn the treason charge.
  • The earth belongs to the people not to the leaders, so does this country. The Lord will appoint a redeemer – Judges v 1-25
  • It’s our right to know what goes around because it also comes around.
  • We condemn the arrest and detention of activists as the suppression of human rights at its worst.
  • That’s total abuse of human rights at the highest level.
  • Release the detained. Zimbabwe is not a chieftainship we are a (democracy). The treason crap is Satanic.
  • No way these people must be released. Rule of law must be used.
  • I commend Mr Gwisai and the rest of the detainees for having the initiative to want to change our Zimbabwe situation. Keep the faith.
  • It’s strange that people who claim to have liberated us still use repression against us. What are they afraid of? People power rules supreme.
  • There is no freedom or democracy.
  • Zim dictatorship is now panicking they can only delay but not stop a revolution.
  • Enough is enough to dictatorship. Our God will help us get freedom even through the Egyptian style. It’s high time we should unite against dictatorship.
  • I support you all.
  • On the subject of “The 45″ my deep concern is that there is NOTHING comming from the Prime Minister OR the Minister of Home Affairs. Although the MDC has submitted a strong statement the question arises what about the Governments stance.Have they forgotten who put them where they are and for what?
  • Kuvhunduka chatikwara hunge une katurike. Vanotyeyi vanosungira vanhu kuona vidio kana firimu raanoda?

Update from the ISO on Gwisai +44

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Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

The update from the International Socialist Organisation (Zimbabwe) below provides a heart-felt update on the case of Munyaradzi Gwisai and the 44 others who have been charged with treason:

Update – 2 March 2011

We do appreciate all your efforts in solidarity with our detained comrades. we have noticed a number of solidarity protests, messages, statements and financial and material assistance from you comrades. We greatly appreciate that. Here is an update of what’s going on in respect of the matter.

The matter went before the magistrate Munamato Mutevedzi yesterday (Day 11). As previously the state was represented by Nyazamba and Mthombeni and our very comrades were represented by Alec Muchadehama being assisted by Mandevere Marufu. The matter began by the state cross-examining Cde Munyaradzi Gwisai, followed by the evidence of Antonater Tafadzwa Choto and Mascilne Zvomuya who were also cross-examined by the state. It was an interesting moment comrades. Mr Muchadehama made a conclusion after the evidence of his witnesses and the prosecution was given a chance to respond. That’s when the problem began. The prosecutor said he wanted time to research on the authorities cited by defence lawyer and added that his response was voluminous but the magistrate indicated that the matter was to be concluded since he will be not available for the rest of the week.

We adjourned for an hour and finally the matter was postponed to Monday 07/03/11. You could witness sorrow on the faces of the families who came expecting the release of their relatives and friends. The accused are therefore still in custody. Defence counsel however insisted that those who need medical attention, particularly those who are HIV positive and those who were tortured by police must be medically examined by doctors of their own choice and that order was granted by the magistrate and that it should be done in line with prison regulations.

The magistrate therefore will grant his determination on Monday but please note that the accused are not yet on remand and that this not yet the trial. If they are placed on remand they will have to apply for bail at the High Court. These proceedings are merely preliminary. The magistrate’s court has no jurisdiction over treason cases. The magistrate is to give a ruling on whether there was reasonable suspicion or not at the time of the arrest. If there was reasonable suspicion then the accused will be placed on remand, if there was no reasonable suspicion then the accused will be released because the arrest will be ruled unlawful. The defence lawyers are refusing the accused being placed on remand since there was no reasonable suspicion and no crime was committed. That ruling will be on Monday.

We visited the male prison after the court session to give them food only to be told that we were late so we failed to serve them.

Feedback on anti-sanctions launch

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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Some of our subscribers sent us their observations from the anti-sanctions campaign launched by Robert Mugabe in Harare today:

  • I wish that sanctions not be lifted until pepetrators of violence are brought to book and dealt with accordingly together with their leaders.
  • People being forced to board buses omnibuses diverted to showgrounds by so-called youths.
  • Fear of victimisation made us to sign.
  • Very quiet no noise.
  • Today’s gathering is not an anti-sanction but a Zanu PF campaaign rally.
  • Many shops have been closed in town as many people went to witness the 2 million.
  • Mugabe is the only sanction we have. People must chant “Mugabe must go” at those forced gatherings.
  • We are having difficulties getting into town from Zengeza 3. Kombis are being diverted to Bob’s meeting.
  • Is it true? Someone told me shops and other businesses are not operating today, is a day of anti sanction campaigning. Please beware and inform others because it can turn to violence.
  • EU & West add more names to the sanction list today whilst Mugabe is trying to hoodwink everyone with the so called 2 million march.
  • Don’t go into town today coz kombis are being diverted to the show ground.
  • Kubatana! Tiri kumandikidzwa kuratidzira zvemasanctions nehutungamiri hweZanu PF.
  • Here in Glen Norah ahead of Zanu PF’s anti sanctions march they are going around telling all people to lock their doors despite you have infants and school going age children.