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Police should be policing, not spot-fine-shopping

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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 by Amanda Atwood

For the second time today – and easily the sixth time in two weeks – I saw my new pet peeve: A “Police ATM” (Read road block where police hussle combi drivers and other motorists out of money for “spot fines”) within about 100 metres of a set of non-working traffic lights.

Now, neither of these things, the police road blocks or the out of order robots, are new or unusual occurrences in Harare. But what irks me is the proximity of the police to an obvious, present problem needing their intervention, which they are not acting on. Anyone who’s driven in Harare knows how frequently accidents happen at intersections where the robots are out of order. Particularly during the morning and afternoon commute, motorists back up, get frustrated and then try and barge their way through oncoming traffic – and regularly end up in accidents. Pedestrians trying to work their way across these intersections, including school children, face even more problems.

The helpful presence of a police officer or two directing traffic, signaling to motorists when to stop and when to turn, effectively acting as a human traffic light in the absence of a working automated one, could do a lot to ease tensions, prevent accidents, and make our roads safer. But instead of policing these intersections to help traffic flow smoothly and safely, the police literally turn their back on these accident traps, preferring to persist in the task which can get them more money in fines and bribes.

This year numerous government officials have spoken out against corruption, promising that graft is being fought at every level in the police force. If this is the case, the police should prioritise the public safety elements of their work – particularly in cases where there is such a glaring, obvious need for their helpful involvement – instead of blatantly looking for bribes.

Paraffin queue in Hatcliffe

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Monday, September 10th, 2012 by Amanda Atwood

A subscriber saw this paraffin queue in Hatcliffe this weekend and sent in the above picture, commenting:

As the people in Hatcliffe gather to buy paraffin at the service station, the seller seemed to be ignorant and could not feel any passion for these people. Is it not because of the prolonged loadshedding?

MDC says Vote Yes – But where is the Constitution

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Monday, September 10th, 2012 by Amanda Atwood

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) has launched a Vote Yes campaign for the new Draft Constitution for Zimbabwe. But what are they doing about the fact that Zanu PF seems to have a very different draft in mind? Ignoring the reality of the political impasse the Constitution-making process has reached isn’t going to get us to a 2nd All-Stakeholder’s Conference, Constitutional Referendum or new elections any quicker.

Toll money should fix up roads, not toll plazas

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Friday, August 31st, 2012 by Amanda Atwood

In the papers today we’re told that toll fees are to go up in Zimbabwe. This is because the Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) is implementing “state-of-the-art toll plazas on the country’s highways.” And with improved conditions at the toll plazas, “The US$1 charged on small vehicles will be sub-economic and we are likely to increase the current fees,” according to the ZINARA spokesperson.

Because the plaza is really where this money should be going anyway?

As yesterday’s Financial Gazette article points out, Zimbabwe’s road network is stalled. The priority for ZINARA’s toll revenue should be fixing the roads, not fixing up the “toll plazas” where the tolls are collected.

(Sausage) dog bites

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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 by Amanda Atwood

Spotted on a run yesterday – This beware of blood thirsty Dachshund sign outside someone’s gate is up there with the Beware of Labrador sign.

Book Cafe Discussion Thursday – Draft Constitution Media, Artistic and Academic freedoms

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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 by Amanda Atwood