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Abuse of school children by teachers

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We have been used to the idea that girls in secondary and tertiary institutions are victims of sexual abuse from male pupils and teachers within the school premises and ‘sugar daddies’ outside. To tempt the girls into falling for these sexual relationships, money, gifts and promises of marriage have been used to lure them. However, a recent study conducted in Zimbabwe by SAfAIDS on adolescent sexual reproductive health revealed that high school boys are engaging in sexual activities with their female teachers in exchange for favours.

So much attention has been paid to protecting the girl child whilst a blind eye has been turned to the boy child. I personally think its because with the girl child, the consequences are evident after engaging in such relationships. They either fall pregnant or they get dumped leaving them in an emotional turmoil. Both of which impact negatively on their educational studies. But with boys, when they engage in such activity they are considered as being ‘lucky’. Boys being boys, they will brag to their peers about being involved sexually with a teacher.

But the SAfAIDS study discloses that both girls and boys are vulnerable and need the same attention from parents, school authorities, the government and the civic society.

Plainly people (both girls and boys) who are involved in sexual relationships with people who are older than them and in a position of authority are exploited. In this case a teacher is a person in authority and is therefore able to exploit the relationship to the disadvantage of the child. They are able to do so by abusing the school’s system in favour of the pupil they are in a relationship with. For instance they are given undeserved higher grades, preferential treatment in any given situation and any other type of favour that may come. The child will forever be at the mercy for the teacher for these favours and that leads to the teacher to continue abusing them.

In schools teachers are entrusted by parents to take care of their children whether male or female and if they are now the ones abusing the children within the school system, they are damaging both the school and the pupils.

I believe that stiffer penalties for teachers whether male or female who engage in sexual relationships with their pupils for whatever reason should be imposed.

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