Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists


www.kubatana.net is an online community for Zimbabwean activists. Our Kubatana.net blog site is where we share our comments, analysis and thoughts on activism, politics, community and social justice in Zimbabwe.

To find out more:

  • Email us on admin [at] kubatana [dot] net
  • Phone: +263 4 776056 / 776696
  • Snail mail: Box GD 376, Greendale, Harare, Zimbabwe

And check out our website: www.kubatana.net which archives thousands of civil society articles, reports and other information.

8 comments to “About”

  1. Comment by Kiki:

    Several of us in the US are organizing an International Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe, to be held April 18, 2007. Already over 1200 have joined our facebook group. Can you help us get the word out? All we’re asking is for people to 1) pray, 2) organize a prayer event in their city, and 3) pass the word along to everyone in their address book and ask them to do the same.


    Kiki Cherry


  2. Comment by Larry Wilcox:

    Prayer isn’t enough for the great people of Zimbabwe. I wish the world could do more; I wish I could do more.

    Take care Zimbabwe

  3. Comment by Ini Ndini - BaRyan:

    Prayer is a good start god is great now is our time (Mugabe is history) also shows unity and a common cause……. Good luck

  4. Comment by Gary Storm:

    Hi, I found you as you are featured on the bbc news site today…
    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/6641271.stm .
    Excellent, sad, disturbing, angering reading.
    What can anyone else in the world do to help the people of Zimbabwe, without helping the ‘government’?
    Do you think it would have been better to have stayed as Rhodesia? I don’t know much about Rhodesia, but surely it was better than Zimbabwe today?
    btw the Australian Cricket Team will probably refuse to come to Zimbabwe as a protest, and have to pay $2 million USD to the Zimbabwe cricket board or the world cricket body. Would you rather they come, or stay away? I don’t know if anyone has actually asked what the people of Zimbabwe would prefer…. so, what do you say?
    I think the rest of the world is hoping that the people of Zimbabwe will overthrow Mugabe etc. I don’t think they have the guts to go into Zimbabwe and do it for you (unlike Iraq… once bitten, twice shy).
    Thoughts and hopes are with you.

  5. Comment by Gary Storm:

    Sorry, wrong link….

    this is from March 16th on the BBC news site:


  6. Comment by WmCook:

    Are you actually writing from Harare or elsewhere in Zimbabwe and able to get away without big brother’s interference?


  7. Comment by mudthang:

    Great citizen journalism guys. As one who knows some of you, we’re rooting for you. Peace out! mt
    PS Bev, please email me offline, would like to catch up…

  8. Comment by abi rhodes:

    love to see there is still activism in your wonderful country. WRITE ON!!!!!

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