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A vote full anger and irregularities

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Well it is just a few hours before Zimbabweans go and vote but would this be another protest vote to expose the ridiculousness and the insanity in the manner in which the electoral process has been conducted so far? Political parties contesting in this year’s election are yet to receive the final version of the voters’ roll. The delay in issuing a voters’ roll to political parties is a reminder of the 2008 scenario when the nation had to anxiously wait for more than six weeks to get final results. Responding to questions raised by Violet Gonda of 1st TV on why as a party the MDC is participating in an election full of irregularities Welshman Ncube highlighted that the only strategy available is to fight ZANU-PF from every arena of the struggle. This raises questions on whether this fight is about ZANU-PF or the whole system. But if the strategy of not walking away from a fight on the reasons that it’s an unfair fight works for MDC how then was it difficult for Professor Ncube to share his views with Zimbabwe on comments made by AU Chairperson on electoral process being satisfactory. To rubbish the question and say he is not an analyst contradicts with the irregularities MDC leader he been raising throughout the interview. As much as Welshman Ncube insists on not to being compared with Tsvangirai in condemning the AU chairperson’s statement doesn’t change the fact that he is still participating in the same election to protest the irregularities.

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