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MDC says Vote Yes – But where is the Constitution

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The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) has launched a Vote Yes campaign for the new Draft Constitution for Zimbabwe. But what are they doing about the fact that Zanu PF seems to have a very different draft in mind? Ignoring the reality of the political impasse the Constitution-making process has reached isn’t going to get us to a 2nd All-Stakeholder’s Conference, Constitutional Referendum or new elections any quicker.

2 comments to “MDC says Vote Yes – But where is the Constitution”

  1. Comment by Widzo:

    Yes the vote yes thing is ill timed and futile, every logical person will tell u that we won’t have a constitution without all three paties agreeing.
    1. You need 2/3rds in paliament.
    2. You need the President to accent to it.
    3. Pliz be serious with us.

  2. Comment by leo Mako:

    our main problem is that the issue of the constitution has been reduced to what political parties need in the run up to the next election