Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Our Children

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One third of the children in America are facing diabetes
one in four children in UK are facing obesity
children in Sweden had a 20%  increase of ‘computer-game-addiction’ this summer holiday
children in Syria are being bombed and slaughtered every day
one third of the children in Zimbabwe are orphans

Children being born into our world today are facing an abandonment of global proportions
by parents, communities, governments

love and family and  support
lost to disease and death
or replaced by goodies, and bad food and computers

yesterday – driving through town, I opened my window
to the street kids
who stand smiling – eyes at window level – hands out
and tell me their names
when their mother died

What have these young eyes seen?
now left to survive on the streets alongside the litter and detritus of our urban waste

these are the children of the future – all of them
and we are failing them . . .

One comment to “Our Children”

  1. Comment by Dadirai Moyo:

    Thank you for looking at this issue with the sensitivity it deserves. One day as I was by the robot, with my own minor children, just about the same age as the ones on the streets (Cnr Josiah Tongogara/Second Stree), I felt the hurting in my heart. The poor children are so exposed to anything and everything our there in the cold, dark etc. My 8 year old daughter asked me a question, ” mommy, what happened to these children’s parents? but you have money in your bank since you are working, cant you buy them food which they asked you for ?” Honestly I had no answer. I had a bad experience one day when I gave cash to one very young child to buy something, apparently one much older man (now qualifying to be street man rather than street kid) watched and as I was driving away, this man just came from behind and forcibly grabbed that money from the poor child not before hitting him so badly and heartlessly left right center. I wondered what else happens to these children. I always imagine what kind of project one can do to ensure 1) Their protection 2) their food security…. I could go on and on. I am mother, and always equate these children to my own.