Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Use the money to fix things

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It’s a shame that with all the revenue collected through tollgate fees, vehicle licenses, abnormal load fees, and the fuel levy, our roads in Zimbabwe are still in a bad state. Along one of Harare’s major roads, Second Street Extension, which connects many suburbs and leads to Mazowe and Bindura, a ‘double’ speed limit sign exists. The speed limit sign pictured has been there for the past years. Its evident that due to the nature of high traffic on the road there was a need to increase the speed limit to 70, but seriously … writing the number 7 on top of the existing number 6 is very disturbing. This illustrates the abuse of funds. Under Kubatana’s fix.this campaign, these are the many little things we would like relevant authorities to address in our communities.

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