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Motorists in Zimbabwe are ATMs for the police

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It really sad when we learn that police officers manning road blocks lose their lives or get injured by drivers who fail to stop at their signal to do so. It is sad to lose life in such ways. This issue of how police officers man roadblocks needs serious attention because it can develop into an order of the day to hear such sad news. And I can bet that with ZINARA canceling its vehicle licensing deadline extension, there is likely going to be trouble on the roads as police officers try to check new license discs on each vehicle…as defaulters try to escape from these ‘points’ of checkā€¦as police officers try to make an ATM transaction with each defaulter.

If the truth were told our police force has turned into thugs on the roads. They sprout out on each road the ‘movie style’, I saw you and you didn’t see me kind of stuff, which is really silly and dangerous. Some of these ‘road blocks’ are located at blind spots and some police officers have a pompous way of putting themselves in front of moving traffic. What do you expect when every few minutes there are cops jumping from bushes or alleys into the road trying to stop cars?

What happened to the ‘Police Ahead’ signs? Have they been phased out by some new law or amendment? Wherever these are hiding they should be taken and made use of to avoid the loss of life of our police officers. It’s funny hey. Its like driving without a seat belt on, one is putting their life at risk. So can we safely say those officers who set ‘instant’ roadblocks (except in the case of speed traps) are placing themselves at risk?

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