Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Gotta love the no rules kombis

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We recently shared Takura Zhangazha’s blog about Harare City Council’s proposed bus plan, and we got this feedback from a subscriber. Seems like what drives some people crazy about kombis is exactly what makes other people love them!

We would love to have cheaper public transport (bus), but since we have had a taste of the infamous kombis, as long I can afford, the kombi is most favorable because of the following reasons:

  • Kombis don’t have a bus stop, they can pick n drop anywhere but the bus always has a designated place to stop.
  • Kombi is much faster since I am always late for work
  • Kombi does not have a time table
  • If there is congestion, kombis always get a way to avoid it
  • Buses can only drop us at terminuses, in my case I come from Glen Norah, it will have to drop me at the market square, yet the kombi will take me down all the way to Rezende Street

Unless they want to introduce systems that are in other developed countries such as in the UK. You buy a ticket for the bus that lasts for a week, you use the bus to go anywhere you want as long as it is within that town.

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