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Blogger Fungai Machirori launches Women’s Web Portal

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“From my discussions with different Zimbabwean women, I have come to realise that many are struggling to find their space within society and to give voice to their many concerns,” observed Fungai Machirori the Founder and Managing Editor of the women’s web portal. “In my view, these challenges have come about because Zimbabwean women have struggled to strike a balance between articulating and celebrating their individualism, while still retaining their collective cultural and social identities.”

herzimbabwe is … a space where, hopefully, women will be able to see their lives and stories  reflected through those of other women. The portal will feature personal perspectives, historical information, arts, lifestyle and health features, as well as a section dedicated to male views and experiences. The herzimbabwe project will also actively engage Zimbabwean women in the Diaspora who have often been marginalised from mainstream Zimbabwean discourse due to their physical distance from issues.

For more information about HerZimbabwe email info[at]herzimbabwe[dot]co[dot]zw

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