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City also needs to take responsiblity

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Cartoon: The Herald, 6 March 2012

The announcement recently that ‘litter bugs face arrest’ has been met with understandably mixed reactions. The requirement that shops and combi ranks have rubbish bins is welcome – but what good are rubbish bins if, as Bev Clark pointed out last week, refuse isn’t collected from bins, or elsewhere? Without regular, reliable rubbish collection, bins just over flow and become health hazards in their own right. Rubbish dumping is free at Pomona Dump on weekends – for those with the wherewithal to take their rubbish there. But the city needs to uphold its side of the bargain. Rubbish hasn’t been collected in my suburb for over three weeks. In desperation, residents have taken to leaving their rubbish out on the street day and night – on the off chance the city finally comes round to collect it – turning our entire road into an effective dumping site.

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