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Lettuce: The new energy food?

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The other morning I saw a fit-looking woman in her sports clothes at the shops: long sleeved sports top, running shoes, stretch pants, backpack. Nothing too unusual. But she wasn’t consuming a power bar or energy shake as she wandered between the cheeses and cold meats. Instead, I couldn’t help but notice the large, leafy, bright green head of lettuce clenched tight between both hands. From time to time, she’d bring it to her mouth, and take the largest, most enthusiastic bites out of it. Then she’d masticate furiously, her mouth wide open. Between gulps, her tongue and lips moved vigorously, trying to get all the bits of lettuce out from between her teeth. Other times, she’d tear a chunk of lettuce of the head with one hand, and shove it between her lips. Eventually she did a duck into the toilets – maybe to rinse her mouth out? – and left empty handed, still sucking her teeth.

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