Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists


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When we came home in 2004 we decided it was important to introduce some joy into our lives
something to help remind us of the lightness
as we walked through the dark of the same-old-same-old

Tony and Mel drove to Bulawayo and came back with Lily and Max Ndebele
twin Jack Russel puppies
two halves of the same spirit
posing always in exact replica
whether basking in the sun,
curled in their baskets
watching for rats
walking the paths to the vlei

bottoms together, tails turned outwards

and they played
as we sat on the veranda at night digesting yet another outrage
they danced and boxed and leaped over one another
pounced, chased, spun
like coordinated lightening
like joy

tony walks them every night in the vlei
slowly coming down from the day

they sit at the doorway when I am in the A frame
they follow Mel around the garden
they dance a greeting when Kate and Rory come up the path with Eli
they eat together
sleep together

on Sat night – Guy Fawkes
we went out for dinner leaving Max and Lily in the house
(they don’t seem to mind noise  or bangs)
with their windows open
in our fairly impenetrable walled or fenced garden

when we came home two and a half hours later
she was gone

we walked the surrounds with torches
drove the roads
called the 24 hour vet
she was gone

Sunday everyone searched
the Mwanzas and the Zambezi kids
we drove and walked everywhere
searching ditches,

we stuck up posters and phoned SPCA and Friends Foundation and vets

today is Tuesday
we have had two false alarms as other Jack Russels are found
but no Lily

Lily is the wild one
the tart
who seduces everyone by sitting on her haunches to have her stomach scratched
who leads the ratting raids
and wants to be brushed first

Max lies at the door step
or by our feet
lost his soul mate
trying to understand this unbearable ache

we try not to imagine what could have happened to her
those dark pictures that haunt us
her trapped somewhere

in some way it would almost better to find her dead

So we sit – with this Lily sized hole in our space
in our hearts
wishing we knew

One comment to “Lily”

  1. Comment by Tracey:


    I am so sorry to hear about Lily. I hope she comes home soon or is at rest and peace wherever she is. I stumbled across your blog after I saw a video about Kubatana on the 10 Tactics website. I live in Australia and work for an online community engagement company called Bang the Table. I will be in Zim in Dec and would love to meet with you and the team to talk about some of the challenges you are facing in Zim in this space – I think it would be an amazing comparison between the two countries, the challenges and the different way we are going about things. I will give the office a call when I land in mid- December.

    I hope there is better news about Lily when we next connect.