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So much to live for

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An online report on President Robert Mugabe capping graduates from Chinhoi University last week made a passing remark about the Chancellor of Zimbabwe’s universities being not as sprightly as would have been expected, I suppose at least regarding the stamina that would be needed to preside over the graduation of so many students.

The reporter’s observation did however provide a hint about what is terribly wrong in this country about the executive branch, the public’s right to know and issues around the health – physical or otherwise – of people who claim to be in charge of government. Over the years, the president has continued to be “paraded” as a youthful lad still up to the task of the physically and psychologically taxing duties of being president of the Republic, yet we know much, much younger presidents, CEOs elsewhere have had their hearts suddenly stopping because of the hazards that come with that territory.

Surely does Her Grace, His Nibs, Georgy Podgey, Psycophant Numero Uno Mr. Eyebags Shamu and many others want to see the day when, in the middle of a speech, the old man clutches his chest and sends all into panic? Are these people going to claim they didn’t see it coming?

Come on, the man is only human (an 87 year old human) that is perhaps why so many people in this country always ask who exactly is in charge, because in other areas of existence, a chap like this would either have left office of his own volition or his colleagues would have advised him to go play golf, watch his grandchildren grow, and enjoy the remainder of his (questionably) fruitful life. Yet, because that hasn’t happened, it is obvious someone wants this guy to embarrass himself and croak right in front the cameras!

And to imagine there are folks who have been dragged before the courts for denigrating the President, making cruel jokes about his age, with one actually having said it’s only a matter of time before He meets His maker so that MT can rule. Ouch. People naturally say these statements because they fail to understand that insistence to continue against all evidence to slow down, and when they voice what are in essence their democratic opinions they suddenly become criminals!  Imagine punishing a guy for telling you stop behaving like a stud and quit patronising the sin bin: who the fuck do you think you are asking me to forego all these carnal pleasures? Take that mother… And a few days later, he dead, not because of HIV-related stuff, but because of a rhino-horn induced boner that refused to go away! A thousand ways to die?

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