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Ministers need to get serious about the people

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Late yesterday morning, I got an SMS from the MDC announcing an MP feedback meeting in Harare that evening. Finance Minister Tendai Biti, co-Home Affairs Minister Theresa Makone, Minster of State in the PM’s Office Jameson Timba and Deputy Justice Minister Obert Gutu were slated to attend.

Coincidentally our newsletter headline that same morning had been “Seen your MP lately?” And when I got the SMS, I was pleased with this example of Ministers making themselves available to the public.

But I was also frustrated to have gotten the announcement at such short notice – which made it harder to share with others and encourage more people to attend. But I put it up on Twitter and Facebook in the hopes of inspiring at least a bit of participation – only to learn later that it had been cancelled, at even shorter notice.

Nine people attended, the speakers never appeared, and one of the participants finally phoned a different MP, who told them the meeting had been cancelled.

So why announce a meeting you don’t intend to have? And why announce with such little turn around time that hardly anyone hears about it and even fewer people can attend? It left me cynical and sceptical. Do the MDC Ministers actually want to be seen – and heard, and to see their constituents and hear what they might want to say? That is do they actually want to deliver or receive the feedback? Or do they just want the kudos of being seen to engage the public, without any of the hard work of actually having to organise, listen, or discuss?

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