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Condoms in schools

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In an article published in Newsday, June 20, 2011, the National Aids Council’s proposal to introduce condoms in schools to fight HIV/AIDS has triggered nationwide outrage and condemnation. Some people argue that school children should be taught to abstain from sex rather than having access to condoms as a way of combating the spread of HIV AIDS. Some people feel that this action by the National AIDS Council (NAC) will encourage children to indulge in sex at a tender age.

On June 5, 2011, The Sunday Mail published an article entitled “Boys in sex-for-favours with teachers” based on a survey which was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare. In the report SAfAIDS also launched its program “Scaling up access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for adolescents and young people” in partnership the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, and Zimbabwean civic organisations like Women’s Action Group (Wag), Padare/Enkundleni, SayWhat and Patsime Trust.

This report by the Ministry clearly shows that our school children are now sexually active at a tender age especially in high schools. By denying school children access to condoms, isn’t it a fact that these children will be more exposed to HIV/AIDS? Should we support the NAC to go ahead and distribute condoms to our children at schools?

2 comments to “Condoms in schools”

  1. Comment by canaan suka:

    im very interestd in your topic and im actually going to present a speech on this same topic! im 19 years and i have just completed my A level with a pass! i know and support your ideas but to be honest its a tricky issue to distribute condoms to school children because the unaccessibility of condoms also reduces the chances of children from accessing them and having sex!

  2. Comment by Condoms:

    While I agree that in an ideal world it would be good to have our worlds youth abstinent from sex before someone magically decides when they are ready/adult enough…

    the truth is that you won’t stop them having sex… so yes, teach them to be careful, the dangers and the consequences and maybe they’d be more likely to wear a condom or think twice. but if they are going to do it, make protection available.