Harare International Airport
I’ve just read Michael Laban’s blog on bribery and corruption, both of which are fueled by the abuse of power. I’m reminded of an incident that I witnessed at the Harare International Airport on Saturday. While we were loading luggage into my car an airport employee was busy clamping the wheel of the vehicle next to mine. When I expressed surprise at a vehicle being clamped in the actual car park rather than in the designated clamping zones, he said he was doing so on account of the vehicle having parked badly (the misbehaved car straddled two parking bays). Whilst I’m totally for drivers behaving respectfully, like actually parking properly in the parking bays, no where on the airport premises are there any signs saying that vehicles will be clamped for parking badly. This is exactly what Michael Laban illustrates in his blog; the airport employee decided to abuse his position, whether for an appropriate reason or not.
Tuesday, June 14th 2011 at 2:52 pm
Bev, i see in India they have a website called “i paid a bribe”, can we not start something like that here – - – -