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Beit Trust Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies

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Beit Trust Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies Zimbabwe 2012
Deadline: 31 August 2011

The Beit Trustees offer annually to graduates under the age of 30 (or 35 in the case of experienced medical doctors), who are domiciled in Zimbabwe, four Scholarships for postgraduate studies in your subject of choice to be taken up in the United Kingdom, Ireland or South Africa. In addition, two awards for a one-year taught masters degree will be offered at the University of Leeds, known as the Beit-Leeds Scholarships, one similar award at the University of Reading, known as the Beit-Reading Scholarship and one award for a one-year taught masters degree at Rhodes University, known as the Beit-Rhodes Scholarship.

The extent of a Scholarship is:

* University fees and cost of tuition in UK, Ireland or South Africa
* Personal allowance covering full support
* An economy class air passage for the initial journey to the place of study and return passage when employment is taken up in Zimbabwe

No allowances are paid for spouses or other family members.

Prospective applicants, who must hold a degree class of 2.1 or better, should obtain application requirements from: The Beit Trustees’ Representative, P. O. Box CH 76, Chisipite, Harare. Tel No: +263 4 496132, Fax No.: +263 4 494046 or email: beitrust [at] africaonline [dot] co [dot] zw

Only those applicants who state that they will return to work in Zimbabwe upon completion of the Scholarships, and who can, if short listed present themselves for an interview in Harare towards the middle of December 2011 will be considered.

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