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Chiwoniso Maraire returns to the Book Cafe

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‘Hokoyo naChi’ at Book Cafe
Saturday 11 June, 8pm
The Book Café, Harare

On Saturday 11 June The Book Café welcomes the return of Zimbabwe mbira star Chiwoniso Maraire, taking up the prime spot every Saturday from mid-June, to the delight of her fans.

Born into music and forged in the fires of Africa and the world over the last two decades, the feisty artist now enjoys the freedom to explore every corner of her musical being, from pure mbira magic with long-time acoustic ensemble Vibe Culture, to new electric fusions with rock, blues, and a rainbow of genres, in collaboration with various artists.

Those lucky to have caught Chi’s collaboration with artists from Togo, Cameroon, Korea and Japan in the November 2010 ‘Suki Africa’ Tour will have had a taste of the power of such musical diversity.  Zimbabweans also witnessed her HIFA collaboration with Dutch rock group Moke, which later led to her appearance at the Netherlands’ Freedom Festival where she performed both solo and with others, to an audience of some 160,000 people.  Back home, Chiwoniso continues a colourful collaboration with the popular Victor Kunonga, which again wowed audiences recently at the May Castle Tankard.

What she’ll be bringing to the stage is an open embrace to these and all music styles, spiced with impromptu fusions and surprise guests – in the words of songwriter Carole King, ‘an ever-changing view’.   Saturday nights at Book Café promise to be an exciting series of unforgettable experiences, each one unique, free flowing and unfettered, anchored only by the mesmerizing voice and mbira of Chiwoniso.

Chiwoniso is by no means a new-comer to the Book Café stage, having performed as a little-known artist in the famous Monday Open Mic back in her early years, and later claiming the Tuesday night slot before stepping out into the international arena.  Since then she has graced Book Café and Mannenberg stages between many tours.

This Saturday marks the start of a new season of world-class music at Book Café with Chiwoniso, ‘a bright new star in Africa’ and ‘an icon in Zimbabwe music today’.

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