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Empty shelves, Empty stomachs

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Went to the biggest supermarket in town this morning.

Shoppers curse as they pass aisles of empty shelves; cotton wool here, baked beans there, snacks here, stacks of beer there; young men pass the crates of lager and salivate; they head for another section where they grab the take-me-quick-liver-melting spirits; they curse the president; none pays attention; they move on; next, fetid empty fridges; once upon a time the home of cheese, ice cream, fish, beef, pork, offals – that old favourite of many, chicken – why did the chicken cross the road; why did the chicken leave the supermarket fridge; used to be music serenading shoppers from an in-store record bar; all is gone; who can afford to buy music; can you eat a CD or cassette; 28 tills, only two being manned by tired looking operators; give us a re-run, I heard them say; a replay of shelves perhaps?

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