Tsvangirai the fall guy
Sometimes I figure Zanu PF in its parochial propaganda and smear campaign gives Morgan Tsvangirai too much deist powers. I don’t think Zimbabweans will take to the streets simply because “Tsvangirai told them to.” If any revolution is to be televised here, it will follow the standard set in the troubled North: the people themselves will take charge, not some politician being credited with inspiring mass protests as if the people were unthinking zombies. We already know what happened here before about that attempt at “organised” street marches so we won’t bother dwell on the thesis of street any percieved protests being ostensibly led by someone who himself is a player in the power games. So if Zanu PF believe Tsvangirai will lead “peace loving people” into orgies of anarchy, well Zimbabweans have every right to feel insulted. This century’s revolutionaries certainly do not need a figure head, just the politics of the belly – among other body parts - are enough to push grannies and teenagers to the streets. Tsvangirai the fall guy. Go figure.