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Janus-faced imps

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I enjoyed reading The Standard editor’s latest instalment about Mudenge. I also took notice of the paper’s “Quote of the week” where Saviour Kasukuwere spoke about the black man’s right not to remain poop when the spoils of war resemble Aladdin’s cave. Kasukuwere speaks the language of Supa Mandiwanzira – or vice versa who a few weeks ago told us the indigenisation crusade will not be around forever and exhorted exiled patriots not to wait until “things are okay.” Yet Mudenge takes the cake as he reminds us about his love for game meat, meat which war veterans enjoyed in unforgettable barbecues during the height of farm invasions that claimed Martin Olds and other nameless black farm workers. Then we heard the same government complaining about the falling numbers of the national herd. Now when Mudenge speaks about wantonly killing and eating game meat, what does it say about Francis Nhema on the other hand crusading about the conservation of wild life? And  it goes further, Patrick Zhuwawo leading the takeover of tourist resorts and Walter Muzembi selling the country as a safe tourist destination. These are people supposedly working together! And we are expected to take them seriously?

“The best time to listen to a politician is when he is on a street corner, in the rain, late at night, when he is exhausted. Then he doesn’t lie.” Theodore H. White, US journalist (1969)

But I figure Mudenge, Zvuwawo and all still well-heeled as they are and protected from the elements are not lying. As the Carlifornia guv would say back in the day as a celluloid thespian, Zwuwawo said, they will back at Kuimbashiri. Are cops listening? You bet!

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