Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists


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I went into the Starbrook Bar/Cafe in the departure lounge of the Harare International Airport to while away the time when the plane to Joburg was delayed. I have to tell you that the Starbrook doesn’t have much going for it apart from the amusing fact that a presidential portrait is sandwiched between a framed photo of Coke on one side and Fanta on the other. As some people may know I’m dead against presidential portraits of any description whether its here, or in the land of Big Ears. But it seems real odd to me that in Zimbabwe, if you take the time to notice, you’ll see Mugabe’s portrait, often in a state of disrepair (yellow and old – a bit like my teeth) hanging squonk in all sorts of strange places. Vacuum repair shops for example, or large supermarket chains, or, choke, some restaurants. Seeing as presidential portraits are supposedly meant to reinforce the position and power of the Leader, I’ve always been surprised that the president’s foot soldiers don’t move around demanding that those who have hung the face, hang him with dignity.

But of course I like the fact that we get a laugh out of it.

If you spot Bob in strange or unusual places, why not send a Tweet to @kubatana

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