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The Manipulation Of Ignorance

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There are times when it is undeniable that Zimbabweans are a menace to themselves. Now those of us who reside in the Diaspora have got a bad reputation. Where once we were hard working, educated individuals capable of working anywhere in the world, we have quickly turned into global pariahs.

Zimbabweans are committing fraud in America and in the UK, evading taxes and even being jailed for knowingly and intentionally infecting people with HIV, all the while using Robert Mugabe as a scapegoat.

Take for instance the case of Gamuchirai Nhengu an 18-year-old Zimbabwean contestant on UK talent search reality show X-Factor. She made headlines a few months ago when she made it through several rounds of judging and even won praise from the mercurial Simon Cowell for her singing.

Gamu and her family now face deportation. She and her two brothers were allowed to stay in the UK as dependents of their mother while she studied nursing. But the visa ran out and the family’s application to remain in the UK was rejected. It turns out the deportation order was issued as a result of an investigation by the Home Office into £16,000 in benefits wrongly claimed by her mother, Nokuthula, reports The Sun. Nokuthula, received benefits and tax credits for her children, but her visa rules strictly forbade her from any state payouts.

This was followed by Gamu conducting a tearful interview with a Scottish newspaper in which she claimed that she and her family would face a firing squad if they returned to Zimbabwe.

“I’ve been in the public eye now and people there know I’ve fled [Robert] Mugabe’s regime. They will punish us if we go back. They’re going to know where we are; we’re going to be very unsafe. People have been approaching our family members; we think they could be working for Mugabe. And we know how brutal he can be. I would be in danger, it’s blatantly obvious. My family would be in danger.”

Gamu has even been quoted as saying she regrets being on the show as it drew attention to herself and her family.

Gamuchirai Nhengu is a child, whose sole claim to fame is mediocre success on a British reality show. What does she or for that matter her mother know about Roberty Mugabe’s brutality? They didn’t go to the UK as asylum seekers, they are economic migrants, hoping to take advantage of a generous welfare state.

She is a Zimbabwean child seeking to manipulate the image of Zimbabwe as a country in which total chaos exists and in which no one is safe, to justify her mother’s illegal actions. What is worse is the readiness of the British public and even Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop to believe her. It may be lazy thinking to accept her word without the slightest critical examination of her claims; but what else can one expect when Zimbabwe has been reduced to a single despotic individual who is demonised in the media. Their comprehension of the complexities of Zimbabwean politics is superficial and informed by racist thirty-second television spots selling ring tones that depict Mugabe as an incompetent bespectacled hairy, black baboon.

We cannot deny that political violence exists in our society. Even today two years after the 2008 elections, when there is a semblance of stability in the country, we still have incidents of political violence. This situation was and is painful for many people, not least those directly affected. Gamu’s claims diminish the struggle by all those working to make this country a better place, and they are a slap in the face for anyone against whom actual violence was perpetrated.

5 comments to “The Manipulation Of Ignorance”

  1. Comment by Kudzayi:

    I heard about Gamu’s interview and it is very unfortunate. It is important to note she is rather young, and has tasted that addictive drug of fame and at this point is desparate to keep her career in the UK. That is understood. The sad thing is that the media has done little research into her particular situation to find out if she was EVER in any kind of political danger. There are those as you say, who were beaten, are being beaten in the consitution process and still see the hope in this country. It wouldn’t hurt the Scottish paper to actually investigate to see where these allegations are coming from, and just for her to understand how serious these claims are. The fact still remains that her mother never went to the UK as an asylee and did claim funds she wasn’t eligable for. It would be nice if some accountability was taken by the mother on those issues.

  2. Comment by Bla Shang:

    in the end it comes down to her mother. I think she should be wise enough to advise her ddaughter accordingly. There is nothing worse than denegrating your roots and mockingthe life she led before. Thats my beef with her.

  3. Comment by JP:

    You would think that she had put her life on the line by going on X-factor. What she did, feeds into the British press and their agenda of trying to portray Mugabe as an evil despot and Zimbabwe as a chaotic country with no rule of law. Gamu you sang, to enrich yourself and your life! The likes of Jestina Mukoko and Beatrice Mutetwa speak out for Zimbabweans everyday not to enrich themselves or their lives, they speak about real issues affecting Zimbabweans yet i do not see them facing the firing squad! Grow up!

  4. Comment by phm:

    right on bro! couldnt have said better myself. Firing squad? oh puleeeez. only giving them folks – read cde bob et al – more amo to fight “the [white] power.”

  5. Comment by Donemore Gandazha:

    Gamu knows coming back home to Zimbabwe would put her in grae danger. Oh yes, danger from hunger, disease, joblessness and ridicule from some back here. The innocent girl is shouting for her survival. What chances of earning a living does she have here in Zim. Those who sought refuge in the UK did so on that premise as well. Why blame the young lady? I mean who want to come back to this heat and hunger from the relative comfort of London? How does one seek asylum coz I want out right. A dark cloud is hanging over Zim right now and can’t bear it. Heeeelp.