Something rotten in the City of Harare
In response to our email newsletter yesterday, here are some comments on the state of affairs in the City of Harare:
The roads at Warren Park D area are terrible especially from the Pfukwa Shopping centre down into 139th Street. The roads have been like that (pot holes) for more than ten years now and one wonders what is happening? Is it because the people who stay there are not human like any other people, say those who stay in Borrowdale? Or is it because the cash people from that area pay for amenities is value less (Zim Kwacha) as compared to the USD paid by those who stay in Borrowdale? Please . . . the City Council should follow in Jesus Christ steps for not being a separator of people because– nobody is superior to others. Zimbabwe is an Independent country so there should be fair play and EQUALITY FOR ALL !
I totally agree with the sentiments expressed on this network regarding services offered by the city fathers. Although they have bought trucks to collect refuse in most suburbs the individual homes are not being provided with polythene bags that help to hold the litter before the trucks arrive which come once a week. This could be done by giving the housing assistants the polythene bags as they deliver the monthly accounts especially in high density suburbs. The other way would be to tender refuse collection to communities in the suburbs who are able to determine as and when collection should be done rather than once a week. Monitoring can then be done by health committees within the same suburbs. Reports on how each sub –contractor is performing will be sent to the respective officials for further monitoring and recommendation. This will ensure that each suburb is in charge of its health issues.