Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Forced to attend Independence Day

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After Zimbabwe’s Independence Day on April 18th, we received this email from a member of the public

I would like you to inform the whole world that people were forced to attend independence day or they risked losing their stands at Mbare and Mupedzanhamo. That is why the stadium was full.  Some were forced in the streets to go and attend, this is not an independent Zimbabwe.

So, while Kubatana might not reach the whole world as our correspondent desires, we can at least reach a few of you out there in the blogosphere, giving you some Zimbabwean street level news.

2 comments to “Forced to attend Independence Day”

  1. Comment by mohammed:

    I am based in AUSTRALIA, I have comms with several MP’s in Harare. Yet the information is not adequate received from them.
    My association with ZIM INFO CENTRE INC. Based in SYDNEY- i am on the board. We function as a service & offer information to the media and the general public.
    Therefore its vital we receive credable and accurate reports for public consumption.
    I have been recently tasked to represent the media team and is the spoke-person.

    Kindly keep the news flowing. We can also reveal info from our findings and services.We staged various meetings and protests.
    Our membership and & following of interested people and parties are regularly contacting us for info or latest developments in ZIMBABWE.
    Lets join hands in persuing the same and one only agenda- MUGABE MUST GO !!!

  2. Comment by Pamwechete:


    Then what next, come on give us alternatives. Make sure to tell everyone who will care to listen to go and vote.Or better still lets hope we discover oil in Zim, then the western countries will be more concerned