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Love in a time of cholera, corruption and other chaos

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Valentine’s Day is approaching and Fungai Machirori reminds us that although we’re living in a time of cholera, corruption and other forms of chaos, we still have Love to console ourselves with. I’m always pleased when we, the citizens, come up with basic home made remedies that we can engage to keep ourselves sane amidst all the political clap trap. Che Guevara said, At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by feelings of love.

Here’s some self help and love from Fungai. Don’t know about you, but I’m off in search of some Charon’s toffees.

We Zimbabweans live in curious times. We suffer much and sacrifice even more – dreams, memories and even hopes. If there is any group of people whom I expect out on the streets, painting the town red with passionate and compassionate love this February 14, it is us. For when all else has ravaged us – political intimidation, economic deflation, scourges of violence and disease and condemnation – all that has remained to console us is love. And whether you are a traditionalist who believes that V-Day is a commercial gimmick, or a fervent but cash-strapped romantic, I say to you, “Make the effort, this year!” Pluck a simple flower from an overgrown bush, be patriotic and buy a packet of Zimbabwe-manufactured toffee sweets, or make a simple card with a meaningful message. Whatever it may be, make sure you do something special for someone you love. Our recent history has taught us to value what we have now because we have learned in a cruel way that the future is often not for us to control.

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